The Fifth Poznań Symposium on ``Quantum Technologies, Nonlinear Optics, Magnonics, and Metamaterials'' (QuTecNOMM 2019)

The Fifth Poznań Symposium on
"Quantum Technologies, Nonlinear Optics,
Magnonics, and Metamaterials"
(QuTecNOMM 2019)

15th (Tuesday) October - 15th (Friday) November 2019
at the Physics Faculty, Adam Mickiewicz University (UAM), Poznań, Poland
organized by
the Nonlinear Optics Division and the Nanomaterials Physics Division of UAM.
(Durer's Perspective Machine)

Two groups from the Faculty of Physics at AMU: the Nanomaterials Physics Division and the Nonlinear Optics Division are organizing the joined sessions about:
Research Topics of the Workshop
In the area of quantum technologies, the workshop covers the following topics:
In the area of magnonics and metamaterials, we are mainly interested in:
We are also interested in the contributions from other subjects connected to quantum technologies, magnetism, plasmonics and photonics.
The talks of doctors and professors are scheduled for 20 min., while those of Ph.D. students will be for 15 min.
  1. Shilan Ismael Abo (UAM Poznań): Unconventional multiphoton blockade
  2. Nandan K. P. Babu (UAM Poznań): Detection of magnon-phonon Interactions using BLS spectroscopy in CoFeB/Au multilayerstructure
  3. Thomas B. Bahder (Tokyo): Topological Quantum Sensors? (invited talk)
  4. Karol Bartkiewicz (UAM Poznań): Kernel based quantum machine learning with photons
  5. Antonin Černoch (Olomouc): Interferometers in the service of quantum information processing (invited talk)
  6. Gabriel Chaves-O’Flynn (IFM PAN POZNAŃ): Activation barriers for creation and annihilation of magnetic droplet solitons (invited talk)
  7. Yueh-Nan Chen (Tainan, Taiwan): Temporal quantum steering (invited talk)
  8. Grzegorz Chimczak (UAM Poznań): On two-photon blockade via an interaction with a nonlinear reservoir
  9. Oleksandr Chumak (IF PAN Warszawa): Strain Modulated Ferromagnetic Resonance technique and it’s application for Co2YZ Heusler thin films investigation
  10. Emerson Coy (UAM Poznań): Nanoindentation Applications for Oxide Electronics
  11. Rafał Demkowicz-Dobrzański (Warszawa): The great unified theory of quantum metrology (invited talk)
  12. Anuj K. Dhiman (UWB Białystok): Magnetic properties of Ir/Co/Pt and Pt/Co/Ir multilayers with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
  13. Izabela Domagalska (Zielona Góra): Thermodynamic properties of superconductivity - the numerical and semi-analytical approaches
  14. Zbigniew Ficek (Zielona Góra): Phase control of entanglement and quantum steering in a three-mode optomechanical system (invited talk)
  15. Ryszard Gieniusz (UWB Białystok): Magnetooptical and Brillouin Light Scattering studies of ultrathin Co wedges with Pt and Ir covers (invited talk)
  16. Hubert Głowiński (IFM PAN Poznań): Ion bombardment influence on magnetization damping
  17. Mateusz Gołębiewski (UAM Poznań): Talbot effect for spin waves
  18. Piotr Graczyk (IFM PAN Poznań): Nonresonant amplification of coherent spin waves through voltage-induced interface magnetoelectric effect and spin-transfer torque
  19. Bartłomiej Graczykowski (UAM Poznań): Nanoscale silicon thermal diode and switch (invited talk)
  20. Joachim Gräfe (Stuttgart, Germany): Imaging nanoscale spin dynamics using x-ray microscopies (invited talk)
  21. Liubov Ivzhenko (Kharkiv, Ukraine): Experimental and numerical identification of Faraday effect enhancement by all-ferrodielectric metasurface (invited talk)
  22. Andrzej Janutka (PWr Wrocław): Magnetoreactance at the nanoscale (invited talk)
  23. Kateřina Jiráková (Olomouc): Experimental implementation of a machine-learned quantum gate
  24. Joanna Kalaga (Zielona Góra): Entanglement generation in system of two coupled nonlinear oscillators (invited talk)
  25. Marcin Karczewski (UAM Poznań): Generating entanglement with single-photon subtractions
  26. Jan Kisielewski (UWB Białystok): Mapping magnetic textures in films with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (invited talk)
  27. Maciej Krawczyk (UAM Poznań): Spin wave dynamics in complex magnetization textures (invited talk)
  28. Huan-Yu Ku (Tainan, Taiwan): Quantum computations on IBM Q: Experimental test of non-macrorealistic cat states in the cloud (invited talk)
  29. Paweł Kurzyński (UAM Poznań): Contextuality of identical particles
  30. Piotr Kuświk (IFM PAN Poznań): Local modification of magnetic properties for potential applications in magnonics (invited talk)
  31. Zakarya Lasmar (UAM Poznań): When can many fermions exhibit bosonic behaviour?
  32. Jhen-Dong Lin (Tainan, Taiwan): Quantifying quantum scrambling with temporal quantum steering (invited talk)
  33. Karel Lemr (Olomouc): Experimental implementation of a programmable controlled-phase gate (work in progress) (invited talk)
  34. Wiesław Leoński (Zielona Góra): Quantum steering and its transfer along the chains of nonlinear oscillators (invited talk)
  35. Tadeusz Lulek (UAM Poznań): Algebraic Bethe Ansatz as a tool for quantum information processing (invited talk)
  36. Igor Lyubchanskii (Kharkiv): One-dimensional multiperiodic photonic structures: a new route in photonics (four-component media) (invited talk)
  37. Sławomir Mamica (UAM Poznań): Nonuniform softening of spin waves in 2D magnonic crystals (invited talk)
  38. Szymon Mieszczak (UAM Poznań): Spin wave localization on phasonic defects in magnonic quasicrystal
  39. Ewelina Milińska (IF PAN Warszawa): Magnetization reversal, domain structure and ferromagnetic resonance of heavy metal/ferromagnetic heterostructures
  40. Adam Miranowicz (UAM Poznań): Non-Hermitian quantum mechanics: No-go theorems and quantum exceptional points
  41. Mateusz Nowotarski (Zielona Góra): Frequency of violation of Bell-type inequalities as a quantifier of nonlocality
  42. Jan Peřina, Jr. (Olomouc): Waves in spatio-spectral and -temporal coherence of evolving ultra-intense twin beams (invited talk)
  43. Jan Roik (Olomouc): Comparison of three experimental approaches to weak value estimation
  44. Justyna Rychły (IFM PAN Poznań): 1D Fibonacci magnonic quasicrystals – self-similarity of spin wave spectra, spin waves localization, and reprogrammability (invited talk)
  45. Piotr Rzeszut (AGH Kraków): Serially connected perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions formulti-bit STT-MRAM storage cells and neuromorphic computing
  46. Krzysztof Sobucki (UAM Poznań): Sub-wavelength control of the phase of spin waves by ferromagnetic resonators
  47. Jan Soubusta (Olomouc): New experimental tests of three-qubit nonlocality (invited talk)
  48. Radosław Strzałka (AGH Kraków): New approach to structural disorder in aperiodic systems – example of decagonal AlCuRh quasicrystal (invited talk)
  49. Krzysztof Szulc (UAM Poznań): Spin-wave diode and circulator
  50. Vishal Vashistha (UAM Poznań): 4f system design and performing spatial filtering using independent amplitude and phase control metasurfaces
  51. Mirosław Werwiński (IFM PAN Poznań): Magnetocrystalline anisotropy of L10 FeNi from DFT (invited talk)
  52. Kacper Wrześniewski (UAM Poznań): Quench dynamics of spin in magnetic impurity systems (invited talk)
  53. Ryszard Tanaś (UAM Poznań): Collective nonclassical effects in a three-atom system (invited talk)
  54. Piotr Tomczak (UAM Poznań): Universal FMR procedure to probe magnetic characteristics of ferromagnetic samples (invited talk)
  55. Vojtěch Trávníček (Olomouc): Experimental measurement of Hilbert-Schmidt distance
  56. Jakub Walowski (Greifswald, Germany): Spin-wave packets triggered by ultrashort laser pulses (invited talk)
  57. Andrzej Wawro (IF PAN Warszawa): Spatial ion beam modifications of Co layered structures – a recipe for magnonic crystals (invited talk)
  58. Karol Załęski (UAM Poznań): Thin films of Heusler alloy Co2FeSi on graphene and HOPG–the candidate for highly spin-polarized injector for graphene spintronics (invited talk)
  59. Miłosz Zdunek (UAM Poznań): Interaction between thermal magnons and phonons in [Ni80Fe20/Au/Co/Au]10 multilayer
  60. Mateusz Zelent (UAM Poznań): Formation and driving by electric current of Neel type skyrmion in antidot lattices
  61. Piotr Zieliński (IFJ PAN Kraków): Static configurations and spin wave dynamics in finite magnetic chains: from simplified models to micromagnetic calculations (invited talk)
  62. Karol Życzkowski (Kraków): Decoherence in the space of quantum operations: How to coherify a classical map? (invited talk)
    General Information about the Workshop
    Conference language: English
    Main organizers of the Sessions on Quantum Technologies and Nonlinear Optics:
    Adam Miranowicz, Krzysztof Grygiel, Karol Bartkiewicz, and Grzegorz Chimczak
    Main organizers of the Sessions on Magnonics and Metamaterials:
    Jarosław Kłos, Sławomir Mamica, and Paweł Gruszecki
    Contact: If you would like to participate in the symposium please send an email to Adam Miranowicz at miran(at)amu.edu.pl  concerning quantum technologies and nonlinear optics, or to Jarosław Kłos at <klos(at)amu.edu.pl  concerning magnonics and metamaterials.
    How to get to the workshop venue 
    Faculty of Physics of Adam Mickiewicz University - the workshop venue
    Trzeba przejść pod peronami na Dworzec Zachodni i pojechać dowolnym szybkim tramwajem "PST" (tj. PeSTka nr 12 lub 14) w kierunku Dworca Sobieskiego.
    Najlepiej dojechać tramwajem do samego końca, tj. do Dworca Sobieskiego (ok. 15 min.). Następnie pieszo przez strzeżony przejazd kolejowy wzdłuż trasy rowerowej na Wydział Fizyki (ok. 10 min.).

    Można też wysiąść z tramwaju na ul. Szymanowskiego i przesiąść się na autobus nr 98, z którego należy wysiąść na przystanku o nazwie "Kampus UAM Morasko".

    DS "Jowita" - znacznik niebieski, Hotel Sheraton - znacznik różowy, Hotel Merkury - znacznik zielony.
    Najprościej dojechać do Dworca Sobieskiego tramwajem nr 15 z przystanku na Rondzie Kaponiera lub z przystanku na przeciwko hotelu Sheraton (w odległości ok. 50m od "Jowity"). Można też dojechać tramwajami nr 12 lub 14 z przystanku pod Rondem Kaponiera. A z Dworca Sobieskiego można dojść na Wydział Fizyki jak opisano w punkcie #1. Bilet tramwajowy kosztuje 2,80 zł.
    Plan Collegium Physicum UAM

    Email to: Adam Miranowicz 

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On 08 Sep 2024, 12:53.