9:00- 9:30 Ryszard Tanaś: Correlations in a two-atom system
9:30-10:00 Paweł Horodecki: Quantum privacy witness
10:00-10:30 Karel Lemr: Quantum information in the Joint Laboratory of Optics - last three years of photon pairs
10:30-11:00 Tadeusz Lulek: Galois qubits and Bethe Ansatz
11:00-11:30 COFFEE BREAK
Noon Session - chairman Paweł Horodecki
11:30-12:00 Piotr Deuar: Nonclassical atom pairs obtained from supersonic collisions of Bose-Einstein condensates
12:00-12:30 Jan Soubusta: Experimental implementations of linear-optical quantum devices
12:30-13:00 Antonín Černoch: Experimental implementations of quantum cloners
13:00-14:00 LUNCH
Afternoon Session I - chairman Jan Soubusta
14:00-14:30 Tomasz Sowiński: Dipolar molecules in optical lattices
14:30-14:50 Przemysław Grzybowski: Hubbard-I approach to the Mott transition
14:50-15:10 COFFEE BREAK
Afternoon Session II - chairman Antonín Černoch
15:10-15:30 Tomasz Polak: Dirac like physics in optical lattices
15:30-15:50 Jan Milewski: Anyonic harmonics and their Hodge structure deformation
WEDNESDAY (17.X.2012)
Morning Session - chairman Wiesław Leoński
9:00- 9:30 Barbora Lemrová: Solid phase synthesis of potentially biologically active compounds
9:30-10:00 Krzysztof Gibasiewicz: Influence of protein dynamics on intraprotein electron transfer in photosynthetic reaction centers
10:00-10:30 Jan Soubusta: Spatial and spectral properties
of the pulsed second-harmonic generation in a PP-KTP
10:30-11:00 Andrea Lehmann-Szweykowska: Correlated cluster mean
field theory in the hcp compressible Ising model
11:00-11:30 COFFEE BREAK
Noon Session - chairman Tadeusz Lulek
11:30-11:50 Marek Sawerwain: Perfect state transfers in finite Hilbert space (for qubits and qudits)
11:50-12:10 Karol Nowacki: Statistical testing of random
number generators
12:10-12:30 Grzegorz Chimczak: Improving fidelity in
atomic-state teleportation via non-maximally-entangled states
12:30-12:50 Joanna Pietraszewicz: Anharmonicity vs. higher orbital states in optical lattices
13:00-14:00 LUNCH
Afternoon Session - chairman Tomasz Sowiński
14:00-14:20 Jan Tuziemski: Novel property of private states and its application
14:20-14:40 Marcin Karczewski: An algorithm for characterizing SLOCC classes of multiparticle entanglement
14:40-15:00 Piotr Tomczak: Entanglement in Quantum Spin Systems: RVB Approach
15:00-15:20 COFFEE BREAK
15:20-15:40 Piotr Trocha: Spin and charge thermoelectric effects in a double quantum dot system
15:40-16:00 Michał Berent: Broadband Faraday isolator
THURSDAY (18.X.2012)
Morning Session - chairman Karel Lemr
9:00- 9:30 Wiesław Leoński: Quantum state engineering - nonlinear quantum scissors
9:30- 9:50 Anna Kowalewska-Kudłaszyk: Kerr couplers as nonlinear quantum scissors - entanglement creation and decay
9:50-10:10 Monika Bartkowiak: Amplification of Kerr nonlinearity and its application for deterministic entangling gates at the single-photon level
10:10-10:30 Karol Bartkiewicz: Experimental quantum
cloning for hacking quantum-key distribution protocols
Noon Session - chairman Ryszard Tanaś
11:30-12:00 Konrad Banaszek: Entanglement-based effects in
two-photon propagation
12:00-12:30 Karel Lemr: Optimal linear-optical tunable
controlled phase gate and related research
12:30-13:00 Antonín Černoch: Single photon detection in
Ryszard Tanaś: Correlations in a two-atom system
Abstract: Evolution of the two-atom system driven by the
resonant laser field is considered. It is shown that the
two-photon entangled states can be generated in such a
system. The role of the dipole-dipole interaction in
generating of quantum correlations is discussed. The
condition for obtaining steady-state entanglement is given
and the time evolution of the quantum correlations is
Konrad Banaszek: Entanglement-based effects in two-photon propagation
Abstract: Radiation generated in spontaneous parametric
down-conversion exhibits a number of interesting features.
One of them is the phenomenon of non-local dispersion
cancellation, in which strong temporal correlations between
photon pairs are preserved despite propagation through
dispersive media with group velocity dispersion coefficients
of equal strength and opposite signs. An intriguing question
is whether such features can be reproduced with classical
radiation. In the case of non-local dispersion cancellation,
an analogous effect can be shown to occur also for Gaussian
mixtures of coherent states, but at the cost of introducing a
uniform background of coincidence counts with a comparable
magnitude. We present here a simple variance-based criterion
identifying a feature of non-local dispersion cancellation
that critically depends on the presence of entanglement in
the propagating light. Analogous analysis can be applied also
to directional correlations in free-space propagation.
Karol Bartkiewicz: Experimental quantum cloning for hacking quantum-key distribution protocols
Abstract: We describe a proof-of-principle experiment which
shows that quantum cloning can be used for hacking quantum
key distribution protocols. We analyze the conditions under
which the cloning attack is successful and obtain the
corresponding error rates.
Antonín Černoch: Experimental implementations
of quantum cloners
Abstract: Review of several experimental implementations of
qubit cloners implemented in the Joint Laboratory of Optics
in Olomouc is presented. Quality of various implementations
is discussed based on obtained clones fidelity.
Antonín Černoch: Single photon detection in
Abstract: The talk presents several devices capable of
detection of ultra-weak light signals. The main technological
aspects and limitations of these devices are discussed with
emphasis on possible usage in quantum optical experiments.
Piotr Deuar: Nonclassical atom pairs obtained from supersonic collisions of Bose-Einstein condensates
Abstract: Correlated atom pairs are scattered from colliding Bose-Einstein condensates by a process akin to parametric down conversion.
I will describe an experiment and its numerical simulation that have shown number-difference squeezing and a violation of the
Cauchy-Schwartz inequality. The long term goal is to test Bell inequalities with spatially separated massive particles.
Paweł Horodecki: Quantum privacy witness
Abstract: Quantum private states are the states that represent
perfectly secure bits of secret key. It is known that
among quantum private states that are ones
that are not maximally entangled. In those cases secret
key extraction goes beyond entanglement distillation scheme.
The construction of simple observable called quantum
privacy witness which allows to correctly detect and
qualitatively estimate privacy will be presented.
In some cases the observable is experimentally very
friendly still providing useful lower bound for secret key
entanglement measure K beyond entanglement distillation regime.
Andrea Lehmann-Szweykowska, Ryszard
Wojciechowski, Michał Kurzyński: Correlated cluster mean field theory in the hcp compressible Ising model
Abstract: We derive an hcp compressible Ising Hamiltonian
with a spin-phonon interaction and compute the influence of
spin correlations on the empirically observed Brillouin
shift. The spin correlations are found by an Oguchi-like
method which is newly tailored variation of the
Bethe-Peierls-Weiss (BPW) approximation. In the direct space,
we consider a cluster consisting of a central spin and its 12
nearest neighbours. Each of the 12 nn pairs, consisting of
the central spin and, in turn, all the neighbours , is
treated exactly (Oguchi method) while the influence of the
remaining spins is replaced by an effective field. In the
present approach, the latter is not calculated
self-consistently, but substituted by that found in the
conventional MFA. In the reciprocal lattice, after the
Fourier transformation, we finally arrive at the spin
correlation which is temperature and wave-vector dependant.
The result remains valid both in the ordered and disordered
phases. In the ordered phase, the molecular-field
approximation is extended to the static soliton theory.
Karel Lemr: Quantum information in the Joint Laboratory of Optics - last
three years of photon pairs
Abstract: This talk reviews recent experimental activities in
the quantum information processing with linear-optics. The
most important results over the past three years are
Karel Lemr: Optimal linear-optical tunable
controlled phase gate and related research
Abstract: Controlled phase gate is one of the fundamental
building blocks of quantum information devices. This talk
presents our experimental implementation of such device and
related research.
Barbora Lemrová: Solid phase synthesis of potentially
biologically active compounds
Abstract: The talk presents the technique of the so-called
solid phase synthesis of organic molecules. Its application
on synthesis of compounds with potential biological activity
is discussed with emphasis on current research at the
Department of Organic Chemistry of Palacký University in
Wiesław Leoński: Quantum states engineering - nonlinear quantum scissors
Abstract: Several models involving nonlinear quantum Kerr-like oscillators are presented. Such models referred to as nonlinear quantum scissors can lead to finite-dimensional states generation, including maximally entangled ones.
Tadeusz Lulek: Galois qubits and Bethe Ansatz
Abstract: Implementation of an arithmetic qubit on the basis of exact Bethe Ansatz eigenstates of a Heisenberg magnetic ring is proposed. It bases on the Galois number field of an appropriate finite extension of rationals.
Jan Milewski: Anyonic harmonics and their Hodge structure deformation
Abstract: The space of anyonic harmonic function on a plane
admits a deformed Hodge structure. The deformation of the
Hodge structure is connected with the fractional statistics.
The parameters of the structure are quantum numbers of the
Jan Soubusta: Experimental implementations of
linear-optical quantum devices
Abstract: This review talk presents several linear-optical
quantum devices suitable for discrete variables quantum
information processing. The devices make use of single and
bi-photon interference in both bulk and fibre optical
Jan Soubusta: Spatial and spectral properties
of the pulsed second-harmonic generation in a PP-KTP
Abstract: Spatial and spectral properties of the pulsed
second harmonic generation in a periodically-poled KTP
waveguide are analyzed. Experimental results are interpreted
using a model based on finite elements method.
Tomasz Sowiński: Dipolar molecules in optical lattices
Abstract: We study the extended Bose-Hubbard model describing an ultracold gas
of dipolar molecules in an optical lattice, taking into account all
on-site and nearest-neighbor interactions, including occupation-dependent
tunneling and pair tunneling terms. We show that these terms can destroy
insulating phases and lead to novel quantum phases.
Monika Bartkowiak: Amplification of Kerr nonlinearity and its application for deterministic entangling gates at the single-photon level
Abstract: An alternative approach to implement quantum
entangling gates to the well-known linear-optical one is
using nonlinear materials for deterministic nonlinear photon
interactions. However only small conditional phase shift
induced by a few photons in the Kerr nonlinearity was
successfully measured. We show how to improve the phase-shift
obtained for two single-photon states in the cross-Kerr
Michał Berent, Andon A. Rangelov and Nikolay V.
Vitanov: Broadband Faraday isolator
Abstract: Drawing on an analogy with the powerful technique
of composite pulses in quantum optics and polarization optics
we present a broadband optical diode (optical isolator) made
of a sequence of ordinary 45° Faraday rotators sandwiched
with quarter-wave plates rotated at the specific angles with
respect to their fast polarization axes.
Grzegorz Chimczak: Improving fidelity in atomic-state teleportation via non-maximally-entangled states
Abstract: The talk shows that non-maximally entangled states
can be better for atomic state teleportation performed via
cavity decay. The destructive influence of cavity decay on
the fidelity can be minimized by using in the teleportation
the non-maximally entangled states instead of the maximally
entangled state.
Krzysztof Gibasiewicz: Influence of protein dynamics on intraprotein electron
transfer in photosynthetic reaction centers
Abstract: Photosynthetic reaction centers are pigment-protein
complexes containing a chain of electron transfer carriers. A
linear electron transfer between these carriers occurs on a
wide time-scale spanning from picoseconds to microseconds
depending on particular step of the transfer. In the talk,
results of experimental studies of one particular step of
this electron transfer will be shown. Multiphasic kinetics
of this reaction is interpreted in terms of a model in which
protein dynamically modulates the rate of the electron
transfer with characteristic lifetimes of 1 and 10 ns.
Przemysław Grzybowski: Hubbard-I approach to the Mott transition
Abstract: We analyse the Hubbard model with correlated hopping, at the double occupancy conservation symmetry point, using Hubbard-I approach which describes fractionalised electrons quasiparticles. We obtain description of Mott transitions and the surrounding extremely correlated quantum liquids. The calculations may be relevant for future experiments on optical lattices.
Marcin Karczewski: An algorithm for characterizing SLOCC classes of multiparticle entanglement
Abstract: A primer on how geometric invariant theory and momentum map geometry could be used to effectively find all stochastic local operations and classical communication (SLOCC) classes of pure states.
Anna Kowalewska-Kudłaszyk: Kerr couplers as nonlinear quantum scissors - entanglement creation and decay
Abstract: Various types of decay for entanglement obtained
within nonlinear quantum scissors systems are discussed.
Conditions for observing entanglement death or its revival
are presented.
Karol Nowacki: Statistical testing of random number
Abstract: Review of statistical randomness tests and their
software implementations used to verify quality of random
number generators.
Joanna Pietraszewicz: Anharmonicity vs. higher orbital states in the optical lattices
Abstract: It is known that dipolar interactions in the
presence of a resonant magnetic field can transfer atoms to
higher excited states with non zero angular momentum
(Einstein-de Haase effect). We investigate how this effect is
modified by the lattice potential. In particular we explain
in details the role of anharmonicity and anisotropy of a
single lattice site.
Tomasz Polak: Dirac like physics in optical
Abstract: This talk presents an elegant concept of the
effective mass theory applied to the neutral bosons confined
in two-dimensional square lattice under synthetic magnetic
field. Analytically calculated band structure allows to
predict the existence of the massless particles with neutrino
like dispersion relation located in the particular points of
the momentum space. It will be shown that the Dirac cones
contain massless particles whose positions and velocities can
be tuned by the external magnetic field giving rise to the
exotic properties. The presence of the Hofstadter spectrum in
the strongly interacting system of bosons reveals some
unexpected behavior of the local effective mass dependence.
Marek Sawerwain: Perfect state transfers in finite Hilbert space (for qubits and qudits)
Abstract: The talk presents the perfect state transfer (PST) protocols performed in 1D qubit or qudit chains. Dynamics of transfer is determined by the XY-like Hamiltonian which will be described by special unitary group operators SU(d).
Piotr Tomczak: Entanglement in Quantum Spin Systems: RVB Approach
Abstract: Recently proposed estimators for entanglement entropy in quantum spin systems
in resonating valence bond (RVB) basis are reviewed. Some of them may be effectively calculated by using Monte Carlo techniques. Additionally properties of entanglement spectrum of small systems are presented in position and momentum space and their relation to topologically ordered states is discussed. An attempt to calculate such a spectrum of small spin systems in RVB basis is reported. A possibility of finding the topological order in quantum spin systems using RVB basis is discussed.
Piotr Trocha: Spin and charge thermoelectric effects in a double quantum dot system
Abstract: Thermoelectric effects in a double quantum dot
system coupled to external magnetic/nonmagneticleads are
investigated theoretically. The basic thermoelectric
transport characteristics, like thermopower, electronic
contribution to heat conductance, and the corresponding
figure of merit, have been calculated in terms of the linear
response theory and Green function formalism in the
Hartree-Fock approximation for Coulomb interactions. An
enhancement of the thermal efficiency (figure of merit ZT)
due to Coulomb blockade has been found. The magnitude of ZT
is further considerably enhanced by quantum interference
effects. The influence of spin-dependent transport on the
thermoelectric effects (especially on Seebeck and spin
Seebeck effects) is also analyzed.
Jan Tuziemski: Novel property of private states and its application
Abstract: Quantum bipartite states with the direct accessible, ideal
cryptographic key are known as private states. In this talk we will
present a novel property, namely the invariance of distillable key under
rotations around private axis in Devetak-Winter protocol, for general
private states. Its application to the problem of searching optimal
measurement basis for a given private state will be demonstrated. We will
also provide results concerning error estimation of the proposed
Karol Bartkiewicz, Karel Lemr, Antonín Černoch, Jan Soubusta, Adam Miranowicz:
Experimental tunable qubit cloner
Karol Bartkiewicz, Adam Miranowicz:
Optimal cloning of axially symmetric qubit distributions on the Bloch sphere
Monika Bartkowiak, A. Miranowicz, X. Wang, Y.X. Liu,
W. Leoński, and F. Nori: General occurrence of sudden
vanishing of nonclassicality witnesses
Monika Bartkowiak, Adam Miranowicz:
Linear-optical implementations of entangling quantum
gates using conventional detectors
Ł. Czekaj, R. W. Chhajlany, P. Horodecki:
Directed percolation effects in quantum communication
T. Bui Dinh, V. Cao Long, Wiesław Leoński and K. Dinh
Xuan: Solitary waves in an elastic rod
Thuan Bui Dinh, Van Cao Long, Wiesław Leoński:
Propagation in an autoionization medium with double
Fano structure
Bohdan Horst, Satoshi Ishizaka, Andrzej Koper, and
Adam Miranowicz: Comparative study of measures of
quantum correlations in two-qubit systems
J.K. Kalaga, W.Leoński, A. Kowalewska-Kudłaszyk, V. Cao
Long: Wehrl entropy as quantum chaos witness - kicked
Kerr-like oscillator model
Karel Lemr and Jaromír Fiurásek:
Conditional preparation of arbitrary superpositions of
atomic Dicke states
Małgorzata Paprzycka, Adam Miranowicz:
Phase-space description of quantum-to-classical transition of
Schrödinger cats and kittens coupled to engineered
Małgorzata Paprzycka, Adam Miranowicz:
Conditions for observation of nonclassical behavior of
nanoscale mechanical membranes via phonon blockade
Jan Peřina Jr., Antonín Luks, Wiesław Leoński, Vlasta Peřinová:
Photoelectron spectra and entanglement in an
auto-ionization system interacting with a neighboring atom
Jan Peřina Jr., Ondrej Haderka, Martin Hamar, V.
Michálek: Photon-number statistics of twin beams:
self-consistent measurement, reconstruction, and properties
Khoa Doan Quoc, Van Cao Long and Wiesław Leoński:
EIT for lambda-like systems with double Fano continuum
and broad-band coupling laser
The RCPTM Team: Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials
G. Szawioła, D. Stefańska, A. Musiał, K. Murawski, A. Buczek:
Experimental model of ion trap atomic force sensor
Abstract: Investigations of the influence of perturbation of
the trapping electric field on the stored particles yielded
the application of such particles as an electric field
sensor. This work constitutes an extension of the earlier
studies and presents the experimental proof that a planar ion
trap can serve as a shape sensor i.e. intermediate stage for
construction of a single ion atomic force sensor.
Nguyen Thanh Vinh, Bui Dinh Thuan, Cao Long Van, W.
Leoński: Cellular Automata in Matlab environment
Conference language: English
Organizers: Adam Miranowicz, Ravindra Chhajlany, Przemysław
Grzybowski, Anna Kowalewska-Kudłaszyk, Małgorzata Paprzycka
and Bohdan Horst
If you want to participate in the workshop please send an
email to Adam Miranowicz at miran(at)amu.edu.plHow to get to the workshop venue
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version 4.00. On 08 Sep 2024, 12:53.