Lectures on Quantum Information and Quantum Computation
(winter semester 2006/2007 )
Institute of Physics, University of Rostock

Lecture notes

Combined slides for lectures 1-14 [PDF],  printer-friendly [PDF] (4 slides per page) 

Desirable previous knowledge

The course is closely related to the lectures of Prof. Werner Vogel on Quantum Optics, thus knowledge of basic concepts and methods of quantum optics and quantum mechanics is assumed. Nevertheless, the course is basically self-contained concerning concepts of information theory and cryptography.


1  Recommended textbooks

  1. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information 
    by Michael A. Nielsen and Isaac L. Chuang (Cambridge, 2000).
  2. Quantum Optics 
    by Werner Vogel and Dirk-Gunnar Welsch (WILEY-VCH Verlag, 2006).

2  Selected review articles on quantum-optical computing

  1. P. Kok, W.J. Munro, K. Nemoto, T.C. Ralph, J. P. Dowling, G.J. Milburn (2005), Linear Optical Quantum Computing, quant-ph/0512071 .
  2. C.R. Myers, R. Laflamme (2005), Linear Optics Quantum Computation: An Overview, quant-ph/0512104 .
  3. T.C. Ralph (2006), Quantum Optical Systems for the Implementation of Quantum Information Processing, quant-ph/0609038 .
  4. J. Skaar, J.C.G. Escartin, H. Landro (2005), Quantum Mechanical Description of Linear Optics, Am. J. Phys.  72, 1385-1391 (2005).
  5. Dan E. Browne, Hans J. Briegel (2006), One-way Quantum Computation - a Tutorial Introduction, quant-ph/0603226 .

3  Selected review articles on quantum computing

  1. Dorit Aharonov (1998), Quantum Computation, quant-ph/9812037 .
  2. Adriano Barenco et al. (1995), Elementary Gates For Quantum Computation, quant-ph/9503016 .
  3. Anders K.H. Bengtsson (2005), Quantum Computation: A Computer Science Perspective, quant-ph/0511274 .
  4. Samuel L. Braunstein, Peter van Loock (2004), Quantum information with continuous variables, quant-ph/0410100 .
  5. Dagmar Bruss (2001), Characterizing Entanglement, quant-ph/0110078 .
  6. Hsun-Hsien Chang (2006), An Introduction to Error-Correcting Codes: From Classical to Quantum, quant-ph/0602157 .
  7. Ashok Chatterjee (2006), Introduction to Quantum Computation, quant-ph/0312111 .
  8. Richard Cleve (1999), An Introduction to Quantum Complexity Theory, quant-ph/9906111 .
  9. Richard Cleve, Artur Ekert, Chiara Macchiavello, Michele Mosca (1997), Quantum Algorithms Revisited, quant-ph/9708016 .
  10. David DiVincenzo (1997), Quantum Gates and Circuits, quant-ph/9705009 .
  11. David DiVincenzo, Daniel Loss (1999), Quantum Computers and Quantum Coherence, cond-mat/9901137 .
  12. David DiVincenzo (2000), The Physical Implementation of Quantum Computation, quant-ph/0002077 .
  13. Jens Eisert, Martin B. Plenio (2000), Introduction to the basics of entanglement theory in continuous-variable systems, quant-ph/0312071 .
  14. David Deutsch, Artur Ekert, Rossella Lupacchini (1999), Machines, Logic and Quantum Physics, math.HO/9911150 .
  15. Artur Ekert (1997), From quantum-codemaking to quantum code-breaking, quant-ph/9703035 .
  16. Stephen A. Fenner (2003), A Physics-Free Introduction to the Quantum Computation Model, cs.CC/0304008 .
  17. Kazuyuki Fujii (2002), Coherent States and Some Topics in Quantum Information Theory: Review, quant-ph/0207178 .
  18. Alberto Galindo, M.A. Martin-Delgado (2001), Information and Computation: Classical and Quantum Aspects, quant-ph/0112105 .
  19. Nicolas Gisin et al. (2001), Quantum Cryptography, quant-ph/0101098 .
  20. Daniel Gottesman (2000), An Introduction to Quantum Error Correction, quant-ph/0004072 .
  21. J. Orlin Grabbe (2005), An Introduction to Quantum Game Theory, quant-ph/0506219 .
  22. Michal Horodecki, Pawel Horodecki, Ryszard Horodecki (2001), Mixed-state entanglement and quantum communication, quant-ph/0109124 .
  23. Richard Hughes et al. (1995), Quantum Cryptography, quant-ph/9504002 .
  24. Richard Jozsa (2005), An introduction to measurement based quantum computation, quant-ph/0508124 .
  25. Emanuel Knill et al. (2002), Introduction to Quantum Information Processing, quant-ph/0207171 .
  26. Emanuel Knill et al. (2002), Introduction to Quantum Error Correction, quant-ph/0207170 .
  27. Raymond Laflamme et al. (2002), Introduction to NMR Quantum Information Processing, quant-ph/0207172 .
  28. Maciej Lewenstein et al. (2000), Separability and distillability in composite quantum systems - a primer, quant-ph/0006064 .
  29. Peter van Loock, Samuel L. Braunstein (2002), Multipartite Entanglement, quant-ph/0205068 .
  30. Yuri I. Manin (1999), Classical computing, quantum computing, and Shor's factoring algorithm, quant-ph/9903008 .
  31. Adam Miranowicz, Kiyoshi Tamaki (2003), An Introduction to Quantum Teleportation, quant-ph/0302114 .
  32. Michael A. Nielsen (2000), Introduction to quantum information theory, quant-ph/0011064 .
  33. Martin B. Plenio, S. Virmani (2005), An introduction to entanglement measures, quant-ph/0504163 .
  34. John Preskill (1997), Reliable Quantum Computers, quant-ph/9705031 .
  35. John Preskill (1997), Quantum Computing: Pro and Con, quant-ph/9705032 .
  36. John Preskill (1997), Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation, quant-ph/9712048 .
  37. Eleanor G. Rieffel, Wolfgang Polak (2000), An Introduction to Quantum Computing for Non-Physicists, quant-ph/9809016 .
  38. Peter W. Shor (2006), Introduction to Quantum Algorithms, quant-ph/0005003 .
  39. Andrew M. Steane (1997), Quantum Computing, quant-ph/9708022 .
  40. Andrew M. Steane (2003), Quantum Computing and Error Correction, quant-ph/0304016 .
  41. B. Aoun, M. Tarifi (2004), Introduction to Quantum Cellular Automata, quant-ph/0401123 .
  42. Barbara M. Terhal (2001), Detecting Quantum Entanglement, quant-ph/0101032 .
  43. Vlatko Vedral, Martin B. Plenio (1998), Basics of Quantum Computation, quant-ph/9802065 .
  44. Vlatko Vedral (2001), The Role of Relative Entropy in Quantum Information Theory, quant-ph/0102094 .
  45. Reinhard F. Werner (2001), Quantum Information Theory - an Invitation, quant-ph/0101061 .
  46. Christof Zalka (2003), Introduction to Quantum Computers and Quantum Algorithms, quant-ph/0305053 .
  47. Karol Zyczkowski, Ingemar Bengtsson (2006), An Introduction to Quantum Entanglement: a Geometric Approach, quant-ph/0606228 .
  48. - Quantum computation roadmap, qist.lanl.gov/qcomp_map.shtml .

4  Other textbooks on quantum computing and quantum information

  1. Feynman Lectures on Computation
    edited by A.J.G. Hey and R.W. Allen
  2. Lecture Notes for Physics: Quantum Information and Computation
    by John Preskill (free downloads at the URL ).
  3. Lecture notes on Quantum Computation
    by David Mermin (free downloads at the URL )
  4. Temple of Quantum Computing
    by Riley T. Perry
    (free downloads at the URL ).
  5. Quantum Computation
    edited by Samuel J. Lomonaco, Jr.
    (free downloads at the URL ).
  6. Quantum Computing
    by Joachim Stolze, Dieter Suter
  7. Approaching Quantum Computing
    by Dan C. Marinescu, Gabriela M. Marinescu
  8. Introduction to Quantum Computation and Information
    edited by Hoi-Kwong Lo, Tim Spiller, Sandu Popescu
  9. Quantum Computing
    by Mika Hirvensalo
  10. Explorations in Quantum Computing
    by Colin P. Williams, Scott H. Clearwater
  11. Quantum Information Processing
    edited by Gerd Leuchs, Thomas Beth
  12. Quantum Computing
    by Josef Gruska
  13. Quantum Computing and Communications
    by Sandor Imre, Ferenc Balazs
  14. An Introduction to Quantum Computing Algorithms
    by Arthur O. Pittenger
  15. Quantum Computing
    by M. Nakahara, Tetsuo Ohmi
  16. Principles of Quantum Computation and Information: Vol.1 Basic Concepts
    by Giuliano Benenti, Giulio Casati, Giuliano Strini
  17. Principles of Quantum Computation And Information: Vol.2 Basic Tools And Special Topics
    by Giuliano Benenti, Giulio Casati, Giuliano Strini
  18. Quantum Optics for Quantum Information Processing
    edited by Paolo Mataloni
  19. Lectures on Quantum Information
    edited by Dagmar Bruß, Gerd Leuchs
  20. A Short Introduction to Quantum Information and Quantum Computation
    by Michel Le Bellac
  21. Quantum Computation and Quantum Communication
    by Mladen Pavicic
  22. Scalable Quantum Computers: Paving the Way to Realization
    edited by Samuel L. Braunstein, Hoi-Kwong Lo
  23. Fundamentals of Quantum Information
    edited by Dieter Heiss
  24. Experimental Aspects of Quantum Computing
    edited by Henry O. Everitt
  25. Quantum Computing: Where Do We Want to Go Tomorrow
    edited by Samuel L. Braunstein
  26. Quantum Information
    by Gernot Alber et al.
  27. The Physics of Quantum Information
    edited by Dirk Bouwmeester, Artur K. Ekert, Anton Zeilinger
  28. Geometry of Quantum States: An Introduction to Quantum Entanglement
    by Ingemar Bengtsson and Karol Zyczkowski

5  Książki w języku polskim nt. komputerów kwantowych, inżynierii kwantowej i podstaw mechaniki kwantowej

  1. Richard P. Feynman, Wykłady o obliczeniach (Warszawa, Prószyński i S-ka, 2007); tytuł oryginału: Feynman lectures on computation.
  2. Mika Hirvensalo, Algorytmy kwantowe (Warszawa, Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, 2004); tytuł oryginału: Quantum computing.
  3. Krzysztof Giaro, Marcin Kamiński, Wprowadzenie do algorytmów kwantowych (Warszawa, Akademicka Oficyna Wydawnicz EXIT, 2003).
  4. S. Węgrzyn i in., Nano i kwantowe systemy informatyki (Gliwice, Wyd. Politechniki Śląskiej, 2003).
  5. C. C. Gerry, P. L. Knight, Wstęp do optyki kwantowej (PWN, Warszawa, 2007); tytuł oryginału: Introductory Quantum Optics.
    wybrane książki popularnonaukowe
  6. Gerard J. Milburn, Procesor Feynmana (Warszawa, Wyd. CIS, 2000).
  7. Gerard J. Milburn, Inżynieria kwantowa (Warszawa, Prószyński i S-ka, 1999).
  8. Roger Penrose, Nowy umysł cesarza: o komputerach, umyśle i prawach fizyki (Warszawa, PWN, 1995); tytuł oryginału: The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and The Laws of Physics.
  9. Simon Singh, Księga szyfrów. Od starożytnego Egiptu do kryptografii kwantowej, (Warszawa, Wyd. Albatros, 2001), rozdz. 8.
  10. David Darling, Teleportacja (Warszawa, Amber, 2006); tytuł oryginału: Teleportation: the impossible leap.
  11. John Gribbin, W poszukiwaniu kota Schroedingera - realizm w fizyce kwantowej (Zysk i S-ka, Poznań, 1997).
  12. John Gribbin, Kotki Schroedingera, czyli poszukiwanie rzeczywistości (Poznań, Zysk i S-ka, 1999).
  13. P. C. W. Davies, Duch w atomie (Warszawa, Wyd. CIS, 1996); tytuł oryginału: The Ghost in the Atom: a discussion of the mysteries of quantum physics.

Your comments are welcome! Please, drop me a message at miran@amu.edu.pl .

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