Lectures, talks, and posters\in reverse chronological order

Lectures, talks, and posters
in reverse chronological order

Adam Miranowicz

last updated on Feb 23, 2025

Note: an asterisk indicates the person, who presented a given talk or poster.
  1. A. Miranowicz,
    No-Go Theorems and Quantum Exceptional Points in Non-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics,
    a seminar at Loughborough University, UK, 3 October 2024.
  2. A. Miranowicz,
    Quantum exceptional points and their measurement,
    a talk at the 21. Conference on Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics (PHHQP-XXI), 
    Chania, Greece, 23-27 September 2024.
  3. A. Miranowicz,
    Stulecie technologii kwantowych: od diod do komputerów kwantowych,
    (A Century of Quantum Technologies: From Diodes to Quantum Computers)
    referat na 3. Kongresie Nauczycieli Fizyki, 5-7 wrzeœnia 2024, Wydział Fizyki UAM, Poznań.
  4. A. Miranowicz,
    Innovative applications of light squeezing and Schrödinger cat-like states in quantum technologies,
    an RQC seminar at RIKEN, Wako-shi, Japan, 16 August 2024.
  5. A. Miranowicz,
    Quantum squeezing and cat states for quantum engineering and information processing,
    a talk for Theoretical Quantum Physics Laboratory at RIKEN, Wako-shi, Japan, 26 July 2024.
  6. A. Miranowicz,
    Quantum and Semiclassical Exceptional Points of Non-Hermitian Systems,
    a talk at the Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University, 6 June 2024.
  7. A. Miranowicz,
    the keynote address for the Sixth Poznań Symposium on Quantum Information and Quantum Technologies (QIQTec 2024) 
    at Physics Faculty, AMU, Poznań, 10 May 2024.
  8. A. Miranowicz,
    Challenges and Insights in Non-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics,
    seminar at the Theoretical Physics Institute, Wrocław University, 20 November 2023.
  9. A. Miranowicz,
    Kwantowe czarowanie: Przyszłoœć technologii w œwietle mechaniki kwantowej,
    Wiedza i praktyka: Konferencja dla nauczycieli przedmiotów przyrodniczych,
    Wydział Fizyki UAM, Poznań, 7 X 2023.
  10. A. Miranowicz,
    Przetwarzanie informacji kwantowej w obwodach kwantowych ultrasilnie sprzężonych ze œwiatłem
    (Quantum information processing in quantum circuits ultra-strongly coupled with light),
    48th Congress of Polish Physicists,  Gdańsk, 1-7 September 2023.
  11. A. Miranowicz,
    Quantum exceptional points and related topics,
    a talk at the 70th RIKEN Quantum Computing Seminar, RIKEN, Wako-shi, Japan, 4 August 2023.
  12. M. Kopciuch*, M. Smolis, A. Miranowicz, S. Pustelny,
    Optimization of optical quantum state tomography (Optymalizacja optycznej tomografii stanów kwantowych),
    poster at the Polish Optics Conference 2023 (Polska Konferencja Optyczna 2023) , 4-7 lipca 2023, Toruń.
  13. Arnab Laha,* Adam Miranowicz, and Somnath Ghosh,
    Time-symmetric correlation in exceptional point-based all-optical nonreciprocal light transmission,
    poster at The European Conference Physics of Magnetism 2023 (PM'23) , Poznań, June 26-30, 2023.
  14. Adam Miranowicz:
    Novel methods and applications of quantum parametric amplification,
    opening talk at the XIV Symposium KCIK-ICTQT on Quantum Information,  18-20 May 2023, Sopot, Poland.
  15. A. Miranowicz:
    Współczesne i przyszłe technologie kwantowe,
    referat podczas Drzwi Otwartych na Wydziale Fizyki UAM, 22 kwietnia 2023.
  16. A. Miranowicz:
    Sto lat technologii kwantowych,
    referat na Ogólnopolskim FORUM Dziekanów Wydziałów Fizyki i Dyrektorów Instytutów Fizyki, Poznań, 14-15 IV 2023 r.
  17. A. Miranowicz:
    Nagroda Nobla z fizyki w 2022 r.,
    referat na XIX Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Filozofii Fizyki,  Poznań, 10 marca 2023 r.
  18. A. Miranowicz:
    Technologie kwantowe wczoraj, dziœ i jutro (Quantum technologies: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow),
    a popular talk at the ceremony of signing the agreement on the cooperation of UAM with Polish Investment Zone Wielkopolska (Polska Strefa Inwestycji Wielkopolska), UAM, Poznań, Jan 9, 2023.
  19. A. Miranowicz*, Franco Nori, Wei Qin, Ye-Hong Chen, Anton Kockum, Simone De Liberato, Salvatore Savasta:
    Squeezing, Schrödinger cats, and ultrastrong coupling of light and matter,
    a talk at the National Quantum Information Centre, University of Gdańsk, 3 Nov 2022.
  20. A. Miranowicz*, Franco Nori, Wei Qin, Ye-Hong Chen, Anton Kockum, Simone De Liberato, Salvatore Savasta:
    Squeezing, Schrödinger cats, and ultrastrong coupling of light and matter,
    an online talk for the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science of Jagiellonian University, Kraków, 24 Oct 2022.
  21. A. Miranowicz*, Anton Kockum, Simone De Liberato, Salvatore Savasta, Franco Nori:
    Ultrastrong coupling between light and matter for quantum technologies,
    an invited talk at the 22nd Polish-Slovak-Czech Optical Conference  on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, 5-9 September 2022, Wojanow, Poland.
  22. Katerina Jirakova*, Antonin Cernoch, Karel Lemr, Karol Bartkiewicz, Adam Miranowicz,
    Experimental hierarchy of quantum correlations of Werner-like states,
    poster at the 22nd Polish-Slovak-Czech Optical Conference  on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, 5-9 September 2022, Wojanow, Poland.
  23. Josef Kadlec*, Jan Roik, Karol Bartkiewicz, Adam Miranowicz, Antonín Černoch, and Karel Lemr:
    Tunable decoherence of single photons,
    poster at the 22nd Polish-Slovak-Czech Optical Conference  on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, 5-9 September 2022, Wojanow, Poland.
  24. Shilan Ismael Abo, Anna Kowalewska-Kudlaszyk*, Grzegorz Chimczak, Jan Perina Jr., S. K. Ozdemir, Adam Miranowicz:
    Quantum process tomography of exceptional points in Liouvillian spectrum,
    poster at the 22nd Polish-Slovak-Czech Optical Conference  on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, 5-9 September 2022, Wojanow, Poland.
  25. Adam Miranowicz*, Fabrizio Minganti, Chia-Yi Ju, Guang-Yin Chen, Ievgen Arkhipov, Ravindra W. Chhajlany, ¸Sahin Özdemir, and Franco Nori:
    Non-Hermitian quantum mechanics: No-go theorems and quantum exceptional points,
    talk at the 13th Symposium KCIK-ICTQT on Quantum Information,  May 26-28, 2022, Sopot.
  26. Adam Miranowicz:
    2022 Nobel Prize in Physics for A. Aspect, J.F. Clauser, and A. Zeilinger,
    a talk in the series of MTPR seminars, Faculty of Physics, UAM, Poznań, Poland, 16 Nov 2022.
  27. Adam Miranowicz:
    Research on quantum technologies at the Faculty of Physics,
    online talk for the Faculty of Physics and the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of UAM, 23 Feb 2022, Poznań, Poland.
  28. A. Miranowicz:
    Ultrastrong coupling of light and matter: Generation, simulations, and applications,
    an invited talk at the 47 Congress of Polish Physical Society (47 Zjazd Fizyków Polskich) , Bydgoszcz, Poland, Sep 19-23, 2021.
  29. Wei Qin*, A. Miranowicz, Hui Jing, and F. Nori:
    Long-lived Macroscopic Schrödinger Cat States in Atomic Ensembles,
    (Abstract) , online talk at the APS March Meeting 2021, March 13-19, 2021;
  30. Ye-Hong Chen*, Wei Qin, A. Miranowicz, Xin Wang, and F. Nori:
    Shortcuts to Adiabaticity for the Quantum Rabi Model,
    (Abstract) , online talk at the APS March Meeting 2021, March 13-19, 2021;
  31. Xin Wang*, A. Miranowicz and F. Nori:
    Ideal Quantum Nondemolition Readout of a Flux Qubit without Purcell Limitations,
    (Abstract) , online talk at the APS March Meeting 2021, March 13-19, 2021;
  32. F. Minganti*, A. Miranowicz, R. W. Chhajlany, I. Arkhipov, F. Nori:
    Liouvillian exceptional points and their relation to non-Hermitian Hamiltonians and quantum trajectories,
    (Abstract) , online talk at the APS March Meeting 2021, March 13-19, 2021;
  33. A. Miranowicz*, R. W. Chhajlany, F. Minganti, I. Arkhipov, F. Nori:
    Classical-to-quantum transition of exceptional points induced by thermal noise,
    (Abstract) , online talk at the APS March Meeting 2021, March 13-19, 2021;
  34. A. Miranowicz:
    Light–matter interactions in superconducting quantum circuits,
    an online talk for the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science of Jagiellonian University, Kraków, March 1, 2021.
  35. A. Miranowicz:
    Quantum technologies using circuit-QED,
    an online talk in the series of MTPR seminars, Faculty of Physics, UAM, Poznań, Poland, 27 Jan 2021.
  36. A. Miranowicz:
    Ultrastrong coupling of light and matter in superconducting quantum circuits,
    an online Advanced Materials Lecture at the 177th Session of the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM), Sweden, Jan 21, 2021.
  37. C. Sánchez Munoz, A. F. Kockum*, A. Miranowicz, F. Nori:
    Enabling ultrastrong-coupling phenomena with single-drive Jaynes-Cummings models,
    APS March Meeting 2020, March 2–6, 2020; Denver, Colorado;
    Bulletin of the American Physical Society, vol. 65 (2020). 
  38. the keynote address for Fifth Poznań Symposium on "Quantum Technologies, Nonlinear Optics, Magnonics, and Metamaterials" (QuTecNOMM 2019) , Poznań, Poland 15.10-15.11.2019.
  39. Adam Miranowicz: Quantum state engineering with superconducting quantum, an invited talk at the 45 Congress of Polish Physical Society (45 Zjazd Fizyków Polskich) , Kraków, Poland, Sep 13-18, 2019.
  40. Adam Miranowicz: Deterministic quantum nonlinear optics without photons, a talk at the Fourth Poznań Symposium on "Quantum Technologies, Nonlinear Optics, Magnonics, and Metamaterials" (QuTecNOMM 2018)  Poznań, 28.11-6.12.2018.
  41. Adam Miranowicz, keynote address for the Fourth Poznań Symposium on "Quantum Technologies, Nonlinear Optics, Magnonics, and Metamaterials" (QuTecNOMM 2018)  Poznań, 28.11-6.12.2018.
  42. Shin-Liang Chen, Neill Lambert, Che-Ming Li, Guang-Yin Chen, Yueh-Nan Chen, Adam Miranowicz, and Franco Nori: Spatio-Temporal Steering for Testing Nonclassical Correlations in Quantum Networks, a poster  at the Fourth Poznań Symposium on "Quantum Technologies, Nonlinear Optics, Magnonics, and Metamaterials" (QuTecNOMM 2018)  Poznań, 28.11-6.12.2018.
  43. Ran Huang, Adam Miranowicz, Karel Lemr, Jie-Qiao Liao, Franco Nori, and Hui Jing: Nonreciprocal Photon Blockade, a poster  at the Fourth Poznań Symposium on "Quantum Technologies, Nonlinear Optics, Magnonics, and Metamaterials" (QuTecNOMM 2018)  Poznań, 28.11-6.12.2018.
  44. Karol Bartkiewicz, Antonín Černoch, Karel Lemr, Adam Miranowicz: Priority Choice Experimental Two-Qubit Tomography: Measuring One by One All Elements of Density Matrices, a poster  at the Fourth Poznań Symposium on "Quantum Technologies, Nonlinear Optics, Magnonics, and Metamaterials" (QuTecNOMM 2018)  Poznań, 28.11-6.12.2018.
  45. Tao Li, Adam Miranowicz, Xuedong Hu, Keyu Xia, and Franco Nori: Quantum memory and gates using a ?-type quantum emitter coupled to a chiral waveguides, a poster  at the Fourth Poznań Symposium on "Quantum Technologies, Nonlinear Optics, Magnonics, and Metamaterials" (QuTecNOMM 2018)  Poznań, 28.11-6.12.2018.
  46. Wei Qin, Adam Miranowicz, Peng-Bo Li, Xin-You Lü, J. Q. You, and Franco Nori: Exponentially-Enhanced Light-Matter Interaction, Cooperativities, and Steady-State Entanglement Using Parametric Amplification , a poster  at the Fourth Poznań Symposium on "Quantum Technologies, Nonlinear Optics, Magnonics, and Metamaterials" (QuTecNOMM 2018)  Poznań, 28.11-6.12.2018.
  47. Xin Wang, Adam Miranowicz, Hong-Rong Li, and Franco Nori: Observing pure effects of counter-rotating terms without ultrastrong coupling: A single photon can simultaneously excite two qubits, a poster  at the Fourth Poznań Symposium on "Quantum Technologies, Nonlinear Optics, Magnonics, and Metamaterials" (QuTecNOMM 2018)  Poznań, 28.11-6.12.2018.
  48. Karol Bartkiewicz, Antonín Černoch, Grzegorz Chimczak1, Karel Lemr, Adam Miranowicz, Franco Nori: Experimental quantum forgery of quantum optical money, a poster  at the Fourth Poznań Symposium on "Quantum Technologies, Nonlinear Optics, Magnonics, and Metamaterials" (QuTecNOMM 2018)  Poznań, 28.11-6.12.2018.
  49. Adam Miranowicz: Circuit QED: Quantum optics with superconducting quantum circuits, a talk at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Wrocław University, 27 April 2018.
  50. Wei Qin*, Adam Miranowicz, Peng-Bo Li, Xin-You Lü, J.-Q You, and Franco Nori: Exponentially-Enhanced Light-Matter Interaction, Cooperativities, and Steady-State Entanglement Using Parametric Amplification, a poster at the 2nd CEMS International Symposium on Dynamics in Artificial Quantum Systems (DAQS2018), University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, January 15-17, 2018.
  51. Xin Wang*, Adam Miranowicz, H.-R. Li, and Franco Nori: Observing pure effects of counter-rotating terms without ultrastrong coupling: A single photon can simultaneously excite two qubits, a poster at the 2nd CEMS International Symposium on Dynamics in Artificial Quantum Systems (DAQS2018), University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, January 15-17, 2018.
  52. Tao Li*, Adam Miranowicz, Xuedong Hu, Keyu Xia, and Franco Nori: Chiral quantum network based on lambda-type emitter coupled to waveguide, a poster at the 2nd CEMS International Symposium on Dynamics in Artificial Quantum Systems (DAQS2018), University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, January 15-17, 2018.
  53. Adam Miranowicz: Nonlinear optics with superconducting quantum circuits, a talk at the Joint Laboratory of Optics and Research Center for Optics, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 14 Dec 2017.
  54. Adam Miranowicz*, Anton Kockumm, Vincenzo Macri, Salvatore Savasta, and Franco Nori: Deterministic quantum nonlinear optics via ultrastrong light-matter coupling, a talk at the 9th Symposium on "Quantum Foundations and Beyond" at the National Quantum Information Centre in Gdańsk (KCIK ), Sopot, Poland, 10 Dec 2017.
  55. Adam Miranowicz is a member of the International Scientific Committee of 21st Czech-Polish-Slovak Optical conference, 3-7.9.2018 in Lednice, Czech Republic.
  56. A. Miranowicz was a member of the Programme Committee of the 44 Congress of Polish Physical Society (44 Zjazd Fizyków Polskich)  in Wrocław, Poland, September 10-15, 2017.
  57. Ievgen I. Arkhipov, Jan Perina* Jr., JiriL. Svozilik, Jan Perina, and Adam Miranowicz: Interplay of non-classicality and entanglement of two-mode Gaussian fields generated in optical parametric processes as described by a general non-classicality invariant, a contributed talk at the International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations 2017 (ICSSUR 2017 ), at the Center for Macroscopic Quantum Control, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, Jeju, 28 Aug - 1 Sep 2017.
  58. Ievgen I. Arkhipov*, Jan Perina* Jr., JiriL. Svozilik, Jan Perina, and Adam Miranowicz: Nonclassicality Invariant of General Two-Mode Gaussian States, a poster at the 24th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics at the Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, 26-30 June, 2017.
  59. Karol Bartkiewicz*, Grzegorz Chimczak, Antonin Cernoch, Karel Lemr, and Adam Miranowicz: Measuring and detecting quantum entanglement or nonlocality via Hong-Ou-Mandel interference, a poster at the 24th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics at the Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, 26-30 June, 2017.
  60. Karel Lemr*, Karol Bartkiewicz, Antonín Cernoch, and Adam Miranowicz: Experimental entanglement diagnostics for quantum relays using nonlinear witnesses, a poster at the 24th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics at the Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, 26-30 June, 2017.
  61. A. Miranowicz: Experimental counterfeiting of quantum money, a talk at the 9th Symposium on "Within and Beyond Quantum Mechanics" at the National Quantum Information Centre in Gdańsk (KCIK ), Sopot, May 27, 2017.
  62. A. Miranowicz: Measures of quantum correlations, an invited talk at the CEMS RIKEN Symposium on "EPR steering, temporal steering, and correlations in quantum theory", RIKEN, Wako-shi, Saitama, Japan, February 6th-16th, 2017.
  63. A. Miranowicz: Error-correction codes in the ultrastrong-coupling regime, an invited talk at the CEMS RIKEN Symposium on "Virtual photons in ultra-strongly coupled systems", RIKEN, Wako-shi, Saitama, Japan, January 16th-27th, 2017.
  64. A. Miranowicz: Experimental counterfeiting of quantum money, a talk by the invitation of prof. Karol Życzkowski at the Institute of Physics of Jagiellonian University, Kraków, 17 October 2016.
  65. Ievgen I. Arkhipov*, Jan Perina* Jr., Jiri Svozil, Jan Perina, and Adam Miranowicz: Nonclassicality Invariant of General Two-Mode Gaussian States, a poster at the 20th Slovak - Czech - Polish Optical Conference on "Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics" in Jasna in Slovakia, 5-9 Sep, 2016.
  66. A. Miranowicz was a member of the International Scientific Committee of the 20th Slovak - Czech - Polish Optical Conference on "Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics" in Jasna in Slovakia, 5-9 Sep, 2016.
  67. K. Bartkiewicz*, A. Černoch, G. Chimczak, K. Lemr, A. Miranowicz, F. Nori: Experimental quantum forgery of quantum optical money, a poster at the 23th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO 2016) at Orthodox Academy of Crete in Kolymbari (Grece), June 27 - July 1, 2016.
  68. A. Miranowicz: Photon blockade in optical and nanomechanical systems, a talk at the Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, May 4, 2016.
  69. M. Paprzycka* and A. Miranowicz: State-dependent photon blockade via quantum-reservoir engineering, a poster at the 22th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO 2015) in Warsaw (Poland), July 6-10, 2015.
  70. K. Bartkiewicz*, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, A. Miranowicz: Priority choice two-qubit tomography, an invited talk at the 22th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO 2015), July 8, 2015, Warsaw, Poland
  71. A. Černoch*, K. Bartkiewicz, K. Lemr, A. Miranowicz: Experimental comparison of several tomographic protocols, a poster at the 22th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO 2015) in Warsaw (Poland), July 6-10, 2015.
  72. A. Miranowicz*, K. Bartkiewicz, J. Perina Jr., M. Koashi, N. Imoto, F. Nori: Optimal state tomography, a talk at the 7th Symposium on "Quantum Information" at the National Quantum Information Centre in Gdańsk (KCIK ), Sopot, May 14–16, 2015.
  73. A. Miranowicz*, K. Bartkiewicz, J. Perina Jr., M. Koashi, N. Imoto, and F. Nori: Optimal two-qubit tomography, a talk at the CEMS RIKEN Symposium on Quantum Information, RIKEN, Wako-shi, Saitama, Japan, October 8, 2014.
  74. A. Miranowicz: Introduction to quantum cryptography, a talk by the invitation of Prof. Yueh-Nan Chen at the National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, September 22, 2014.
  75. A. Miranowicz was a member of the International Scientific Committee of the 19th Polish-Slovak-Czech Optical Conference on "Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics" in Wojanow Palace in Poland, 8-12 September 2014.
  76. A. Miranowicz*, J. Bajer, M. Paprzycka, Y. X. Liu, A. M. Zagoskin, and F. Nori: Photon blockade via quantum reservoir engineering, a talk at the CEMS RIKEN Symposium on Quantum Information, RIKEN, Wako-shi, Saitama, Japan, July 14-24, 2014.
  77. A. Cernoch*, K. Lemr, K. Bartkiewicz, and A. Miranowicz: Linear-optical Rabi oscillations simulator, poster at the 21th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO-2014 ), Brussels, Belgium, June 23-27, 2014. [PDF] 
  78. K. Bartkiewicz*, P. Horodecki, K. Lemr, A. Miranowicz, and K. Życzkowski: Universal detection of two-photon polarization entanglement, poster at the 21th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO-2014 ), Brussels, Belgium, June 23-27, 2014. [PDF] 
  79. Adam Miranowicz: Jak zademonstrować nieklasycznoœć układów mezoskopowych (How to demonstrate the nonclassicality of mesoscopic systems), an invited talk at the 42 Congress of Polish Physical Society (42 Zjazd Fizyków Polskich) , Poznań, Poland, Sep 8-13, 2013.
  80. A. Miranowicz was a member of the Program Advisory Committee of the International Workshop on Optical Quantum Information  (A satellite meeting of AQIS'13), Department of Physics and Materials Science and Engineering Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, India, 1-2 September 2013.
  81. A. Miranowicz*, S. K. A. Özdemir, J. Bajer, G. Yusa, N. Imoto, F. Nori, and Y. Hirayama: Quantum state tomography and information processing with large nuclear spins in nanometer-scale devices, a talk at the Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, December 5, 2013.
  82. M. Paprzycka*, A. Miranowicz, A. Pathak, and F. Nori: Phase-space interference of states optically truncated by quantum scissors: Generation of distinct superpositions of qudit coherent states by displacement of vacuum, poster at the 21th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO-2014 ), Brussels, Belgium, June 23-27, 2014. [PDF] 
  83. A. Miranowicz, the keynote address for the Third Poznań Symposium on "Quantum Engineering, Information, and Nonlinear Optics" (QEINO 2013 ), Poznań, Poland, October 15-17, 2013.
  84. B. Horst*, K. Bartkiewicz, and A. Miranowicz: Relative entropy of entanglement for fixed nonlocality: two-qubit mixed states superior to pure states, a poster at the Third Poznań Symposium on "Quantum Engineering, Information, and Nonlinear Optics" (QEINO 2013 ), Poznań, Poland, October 15-17, 2013.
  85. M. Paprzycka*, A. Miranowicz, Y.X. Liu, J. Bajer, and F. Nori: Two-photon blockade in a driven cavity with a qubit, a poster at the Third Poznań Symposium on "Quantum Engineering, Information, and Nonlinear Optics" (QEINO 2013 ), Poznań, Poland, October 15-17, 2013.
  86. B. Horst, K. Bartkiewicz*, A. Miranowicz: Two-qubit mixed states more entangled than pure states: Comparison of the relative entropy of entanglement for a given nonlocality, a poster at 13th International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations (ICSSUR 2013), Nuremberg, Germany, June 24-28, 2013.
  87. M. Paprzycka*, A. Miranowicz, Y. Liu, J. Bajer, F. Nori: Multi-photon blockades in a pumped cavity with a qubit, a poster at 20th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO 2013), Stockholm, Sweden, June 16-20, 2013. [Book of Abstracts] 
  88. B. Horst, K. Bartkiewicz*, A. Miranowicz: Two-qubit mixed states more entangled than pure states: Comparison of the relative entropy of entanglement for a given nonlocality, a poster at 20th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO 2013), Stockholm, Sweden, June 16-20, 2013. [Book of Abstracts] 
  89. A. Miranowicz: Quantum entanglement: From paradoxes to some quantum-information applications, a talk by invitation of Prof. Gen Kimura at the Shibaura Institute of Technology, Omiya, Japan, 21 December 2012.
  90. K. Bartkiewicz*, K. Lemr, A. Černoch, J. Soubusta, A. Miranowicz: Experimental tunable qubit cloner, a poster at the Second Poznan Workshop on Quantum Engineering, Quantum Information, and Semi-Quantum Biology (QEIB 2012 ), Poznań, Poland, October 16-18, 2012.
  91. K. Bartkiewicz*, A. Miranowicz: Optimal cloning of axially symmetric qubit distributions on the Bloch sphere, a poster at the Second Poznan Workshop on Quantum Engineering, Quantum Information, and Semi-Quantum Biology (QEIB 2012 ), Poznań, Poland, October 16-18, 2012.
  92. M. Bartkowiak*, A. Miranowicz, X. Wang, Y.X. Liu, W. Leoński, and F. Nori: General occurrence of sudden vanishing of nonclassicality witnesses, a poster at the Second Poznan Workshop on Quantum Engineering, Quantum Information, and Semi-Quantum Biology (QEIB 2012 ), Poznań, Poland, October 16-18, 2012.
  93. M. Bartkowiak*, A. Miranowicz: Linear-optical implementations of entangling quantum gates using conventional detectors, a poster at the Second Poznan Workshop on Quantum Engineering, Quantum Information, and Semi-Quantum Biology (QEIB 2012 ), Poznań, Poland, October 16-18, 2012.
  94. B. Horst*, S. Ishizaka, A. Koper, and A. Miranowicz: Comparative study of measures of quantum correlations in two-qubit systems, a poster at the Second Poznan Workshop on Quantum Engineering, Quantum Information, and Semi-Quantum Biology (QEIB 2012 ), Poznań, Poland, October 16-18, 2012.
  95. M. Paprzycka*, A. Miranowicz: Phase-space description of quantum-to-classical transition of Schrödinger cats and kittens coupled to engineered environments, a poster at the Second Poznan Workshop on Quantum Engineering, Quantum Information, and Semi-Quantum Biology (QEIB 2012 ), Poznań, Poland, October 16-18, 2012.
  96. M. Paprzycka*, A. Miranowicz: Conditions for observation of nonclassical behavior of nanoscale mechanical membranes via phonon blockade, a poster at the Second Poznan Workshop on Quantum Engineering, Quantum Information, and Semi-Quantum Biology (QEIB 2012 ), Poznań, Poland, October 16-18, 2012.
  97. A. Miranowicz, the keynote address for the Second Poznan Workshop on Quantum Engineering, Quantum Information, and Semi-Quantum Biology (QEIB 2012 ), Poznań, Poland, October 16-18, 2012.
  98. A. Miranowicz was a member of the International Scientific Committee of the 18th Czech - Polish - Slovak Optical Conference on "Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics" in Ostravice in Czech Republic, September 3-7, 2012.
  99. A. Miranowicz*, M. Bartkowiak, X. Wang, Y.X. Liu, F. Nori: How to detect quantumness and entanglement of multimode optical fields, invited talk at the 18 Czech-Polish-Slovak Optical Conference (CPSOC 2012 ), Ostravice, Czech Republic, September 3-7, 2012.
  100. M. Paprzycka* and A. Miranowicz: Quantum-to-classical transition of Schrödinger cats and kittens coupled to engineered environments, poster at the 18 Czech-Polish-Slovak Optical Conference (CPSOC 2012 ), Ostravice, Czech Republic, September 3-7, 2012.
  101. M. Paprzycka*, Y.X. Liu, A. Miranowicz, and F. Nori: How to demonstrate nonclassicality of mechanical resonators via phonon blockade, poster at the 19th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO-2012 ), Sinaia, Romania, July 2-6, 2012.
  102. K. Lemr, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Cernoch*, J. Soubusta, and A. Miranowicz: Experimental aspects of a multifunctional optimal quantum cloner, poster at the 19th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO-2012 ), Sinaia, Romania, July 2-6, 2012.
  103. M. Bartkiowiak*, L.A. Wu, and A. Miranowicz: Amplification of Kerr nonlinearity and its application for deterministic entangling gates at the single-photon level, oral presentation at the 19th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO-2012 ), Sinaia, Romania, July 2-6, 2012.
  104. K. Lemr*, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Cernoch, J. Soubusta, and A. Miranowicz: Multifunctional optimal quantum cloner, oral presentation at the 19th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO-2012 ), Sinaia, Romania, July 2-6, 2012.
  105. K. Bartkiewicz*, K. Lemr, A. Cernoch, J. Soubusta, and A. Miranowicz: Experimental study of quantum cloning attack on equiangular spherical code QKD protocols, a talk at the 19th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO-2012 ), Sinaia, Romania, July 2-6, 2012.
  106. K. Lemr*, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Cernoch, J. Soubusta, and A. Miranowicz: Multifunctional optimal quantum cloner [PDF] , a talk at Quantum 2012: Advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information with atoms and photons [PDF] , Torino, Italy, May 21-25, 2012.
  107. K. Lemr, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Cernoch*, J. Soubusta, and A. Miranowicz: Experimental aspects of a multifunctional optimal quantum cloner [PDF] , a poster at Quantum 2012: Advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information with atoms and photons [PDF] , Torino, Italy, May 21-25, 2012.
  108. K. Bartkiewicz*, K. Lemr, A. Černoch, J. Soubusta, A. Miranowicz: Quantum cloning attack on equiangular spherical code QKD protocols, a poster at the Photons Beyond Qubits - Workshop on Quantum Information Processing in Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic, April 23-25, 2012.
  109. A. Miranowicz: Two-photon blockade, a talk at the Annual Symposium of the National Quantum Information Centre (KCIK ), Sopot, Poland, May 18-19, 2011.
  110. K. Bartkiewicz*, K. Lemr, A. Cernoch, J. Soubusta, and A. Miranowicz: Quantum cloning attack on equiangular spherical code QKD protocols, poster at the Workshop on Quantum Information Processing on "Photons Beyond Qubits" (QIP-2012 ), Olomouc, Czech Republic, April 23-25, 2012.
  111. K. Lemr*, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Cernoch, J. Soubusta, and A. Miranowicz: Experimental aspects of a multifunctional cloner, poster at the Workshop on Quantum Information Processing on "Photons Beyond Qubits" (QIP-2012 ), Olomouc, Czech Republic, April 23-25, 2012.
  112. A. Miranowicz*, M. Bartkowiak, X. Wang, Y.X. Liu, and F. Nori: Experimentally-friendly tests of quantumness and entanglement in multiparty bosonic systems, a poster at the Asia-Europe Physics Summit (ASEPS 2011 ), Wroclaw, 26-29 Oct 2011.
  113. K. Bartkiewicz* and A. Miranowicz*: Arbitrary photonic mirror phase-covariant cloning, a poster at the Asia-Europe Physics Summit (ASEPS 2011 ), Wroclaw, 26-29 Oct 2011.
  114. M. Paprzycka*, A. Miranowicz*, Y.X. Liu, and F. Nori: Photon and phonon blockades for testing quantumness of nanomechanical resonators, a poster at the Asia-Europe Physics Summit (ASEPS 2011 ), Wroclaw, 26-29 Oct 2011.
  115. B. Horst, S. Ishizaka, A. Koper, and A. Miranowicz*: Counterintuitive properties of measures of quantum correlations in two-qubit systems, a poster at the Asia-Europe Physics Summit (ASEPS 2011 ), Wroclaw, 26-29 Oct 2011.
  116. A. Miranowicz: Quantum-information processing with a nanometre-scale nuclear-spin device, a invited talk at the Workshop on Current Problems in Physics: Zielona Góra - Lviv (WCPP'11 ), Institute of Physics, University of Zielona Góra, 24-26 Oct 2011.
  117. A. Miranowicz: Qubit-induced phonon blockade as a signature of nonclassicality of nanomechanical resonators, a lecture for the Quantum Optics Group of Prof. Werner Vogel at the Physics Institute of the University of Rostock, Germany, 11 Oct 2011.
  118. A. Miranowicz*, M. Bartkowiak, X. Wang, Y.X. Liu, and F. Nori: A unified derivation of witnesses of quantumness and entanglement in multimode fields, a talk at the 18th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO 2011 ) in Madrid (Spain), May 30-June 3, 2011.
  119. M. Bartkowiak* and A. Miranowicz: Effective linear-optical implementations of quantum controlled-sign gate, a poster at the 18th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO 2011 ) in Madrid (Spain), May 30-June 3, 2011.
  120. M. Bartkowiak* and A. Miranowicz: Finite-time decays and periodic vanishings of nonclassicality and entanglement witnesses, a poster at the 18th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO 2011 ) in Madrid (Spain), May 30-June 3, 2011.
  121. K. Bartkiewicz* and A. Miranowicz: Optimal cloning of mirror-symmetric distributions on Bloch sphere: Proposal for photonic realization, a poster at the 18th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO 2011 ) in Madrid (Spain), May 30-June 3, 2011.
  122. A. Miranowicz: General occurrence of finite-time decays and periodic vanishings of nonclassicality and entanglement witnesses, a talk at the Annual Symposium of the National Quantum Information Centre (KCIK), Sopot, Poland, May 13-14, 2011.
  123. A. Miranowicz: Experimentally-friendly criteria of quantumness and entanglement in multimode fields, a talk at the Department of Theoretical Physics and History of Science, The Basque Country University (EHU/UPV) in Bilbao (Spain), February 15, 2011.
  124. A. Miranowicz: Quantum state tomography based on detection of longitudinal magnetization of large nuclear spins in semiconductor nanosystems, an invited talk at the 4th International Workshop on Solid State Quantum Computing (IWSSQC-4 ) at Fudan University, Shanghai, China, December 13-16, 2010.
  125. M. Bartkowiak and A. Miranowicz*: Efficient universal optical gates based on conventional detectors, a poster at the 4th International Workshop on Solid State Quantum Computing (IWSSQC-4 ) at Fudan University, Shanghai, China, December 13-16, 2010.
  126. K. Bartkiewicz and A. Miranowicz*: Quantum-dot implementation of optimal axisymmetric cloning of qubits, a poster at the 4th International Workshop on Solid State Quantum Computing (IWSSQC-4 ) at Fudan University, Shanghai, China, December 13-16, 2010.
  127. A. Miranowicz*, M. Bartkowiak, Xiaoguang Wang, Yu-xi Liu, and Franco Nori: Experimentally friendly criteria of quantumness in multiparty bosonic systems, a poster at the 4th International Workshop on Solid State Quantum Computing (IWSSQC-4 ) at Fudan University, Shanghai, China, December 13-16, 2010.
  128. A. Miranowicz*, Yu-xi Liu, Y. B. Gao, J. Bajer, C. P. Sun, and F. Nori: Qubit-induced phonon blockade as a signature of quantum behavior in nanomechanical resonators, a poster at the Opening Symposium of QS2C Theory Forum at the Institute for Physical and Chemical Research, RIKEN, Wako Campus, Saitama, Japan, September 27-30, 2010.
  129. K. Bartkiewicz* and A. Miranowicz: Optimal cloning of qubits given by an arbitrary axisymmetric distribution, a poster at the 42nd Symposium on Mathematical Physics "Quantum Channels, Quantum Information - Theory Applications", Toruń, Poland, June 19-22, 2010.
  130. A. Miranowicz: Experimentally-friendly criteria of quantumness in multimode fields, a talk at the Annual Symposium of the National Quantum Information Centre (KCIK), Sopot, Poland, April 23-24, 2010.
  131. M. Bartkowiak*, A. Miranowicz: Linear-optical implementations of iSWAP gate based on conventional detectors, a poster at the 46 Karpacz Winter School of Theoretical Physics on "Quantum Dynamics and Information: Theory and Experiment", Ladek Zdroj, Poland, February 8-13, 2010.
  132. A. Miranowicz*, N. Imoto, S.K. Özdemir, G. Yusa, T. Ota, Y. Hirayama: Quantum state tomography of quadrupolar nuclei in nano-structures, an invited talk at the 6th Symposium on Atoms, Molecules, and Optics (*) , the Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, June 12-13, 2009.
  133. Adam Miranowicz*, Satoshi Ishizaka and Bohdan Horst: entanglement manipulation via pure and mixed states, an invited talk at the 16th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO 2009) (*) , University of Turku, Turku, Finland, May 23-27, 2009.
  134. Karol Bartkiewicz, Adam Miranowicz and Sahin K. Özdemir: Optimal mirror phase-covariant cloning, a poster at the 16th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO 2009) (*) , University of Turku, Turku, Finland, May 23-27, 2009.
  135. A. Miranowicz, the keynote address for the First Japanese-Polish Workshop on Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Computing , Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland, Sept 26, 2008.
  136. A. Miranowicz: Detection of quantum entanglement via matrices of moments, a lecture at the Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, August 28, 2008.
  137. A. Miranowicz: Quantum entanglement and teleportation of qubit states of quantum dots in optical microcavities, a lecture at the Physics Institute of the University of Rostock, Germany, Dec 4th, 2007.
  138. A. Miranowicz*, M. Piani, P. Horodecki, and R. Horodecki: Continuous-variable entanglement and its detection via matrices of moments, a lecture at the Centre for Quantum Computation of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP) of the University of Cambridge, UK, June 20th, 2007.
  139. S. K. Özdemir, K. Bartkiewicz*, Yu-xi Liu, and A. Miranowicz: Teleportation through dissipative channels: Conditions for surpassing the no-cloning limit, a poster at First European Young Scientists Conference on Quantum Information, Vienna, Austria, August 27- 31, 2007.
  140. A. Miranowicz*, M. Piani, P. Horodecki, and R. Horodecki: Inseparability criteria for quantum-optical fields, a talk at the XXXIX Symposium on Mathematical Physics at the Institute of Physics of the Nicholas Copernicus University, Toruń, June 11-12, 2007.
  141. S. K. Özdemir*, A. Miranowicz, T. Ota, G. Yusa, N. Imoto, Y. Hirayama: NMR quantum state tomography based on longitudinal magnetization measurement, a talk at the International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Nanostructures, and Carrier Interaction (NNCI 2007) (*) , NTT Atsugi R&D Center, Atsugi, Japan, 20-23 Feb 2007.
  142. A. Miranowicz: Lectures on Quantum Information and Quantum Computation, one semester regular course at the Institute of Physics of the University of Rostock, Germany, Oct 2006 - Jan 2007.
  143. A. Miranowicz: Quantum state tomography of optical fields and nuclear spins in nano-structures, a lecture at the Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, 4 Dec 2006.
  144. A. Miranowicz*, S. K. Özdemir, Y. Liu, G. Chimczak, M. Koashi, and N. Imoto: Quantum Entanglement, Decoherence and Teleportation of Quantum-Dot States in Microcavities, an invited talk at the Handai Nanoscience and Nanotechnology International Symposium (*)  at the Nakanoshima Center of Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, 20-22 November 2006.
  145. S. K. Özdemir*, A. Miranowicz, T. Ota, G. Yusa, K. Muraki, N. Imoto, and Y. Hirayama: Nuclear spins in a nano-scale device for quantum information processing, a talk at the Handai Nanoscience and Nanotechnology International Symposium (*)  at the Nakanoshima Center of Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, 20-22 November 2006.
  146. A. Miranowicz, M. Piani, P. Horodecki, and R. Horodecki: Inseparability criteria based on moments of annihilation and creation operators, a poster at the 15th Quantum Information Technology Symposium (QIT15) (*) , Campus Plaza, Kyoto, Japan, November 21-22, 2006.
  147. A. Miranowicz, S. K. Özdemir, M. Koashi, and N. Imoto: Optical state engineering and teleportation using multiport interferometry, a poster at the 15th Quantum Information Technology Symposium (QIT15) (*) , Campus Plaza, Kyoto, Japan, November 21-22, 2006.
  148. A. Miranowicz*, M. Piani, P. Horodecki, R. Horodecki: Tests of continuous-variable entanglement, a talk at the Symposium on "Aspects of Quantum Information" at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of the University of Gdańsk, 13 October 2006.
  149. A. Miranowicz: Quantum-state engineering via teleportation in multiport interferometers, a talk by invitation of Prof. Franco Nori and Dr. Yu-xi Liu at the Digital Materials Laboratory, the Frontier Research System (FRS) of the Institute for Physical and Chemical Research, RIKEN, Wako Campus, Saitama, Japan, 20 September 2006.
  150. A. Miranowicz: Entanglement criteria for continuous and discrete quantum system, a talk by invitation of Prof. Franco Nori and Dr. Yu-xi Liu at the Digital Materials Laboratory, the Frontier Research System (FRS) of the Institute for Physical and Chemical Research, RIKEN, Wako Campus, Saitama, Japan, 20 September 2006.
  151. S. K. Özdemir*, A. Miranowicz, T. Ota, G. Yusa, K. Muraki, N. Imoto, Y. Hirayama: Quantum gate operations and state tomography in a nanometre-scale NMR, a talk at the AQIS 2006 Asian Conference  on "Quantum Information Science", BeiJing, China, September 1-4, 2006.
  152. S. K. Özdemir*, A. Miranowicz, M. Koashi, N. Imoto: Projection synthesis in multiport interferometer for selective manipulation of an optical field in the Fock-state space, a talk at the Conference on "Quantum Information and Quantum Control II",  The Fields Institute Toronto, Canada, August 7-11, 2006.
  153. A. Miranowicz: An introduction to entanglement criteria and measures of mixed states, a lecture at the Physics Institute of the University of Rostock, Germany, 11 July 2006.
  154. A. Miranowicz: Entanglement criteria based on matrices of moments of continuous-variable systems, a lecture for the Quantum Optics Group of Prof. Werner Vogel at the Physics Institute of the University of Rostock, Germany, 10 July 2006.
  155. A. Miranowicz*, S. K. Özdemir, M. Koashi, and N. Imoto: Multiport interferometry for optical-state truncation and teleportation, a talk at the 13th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics, Vienna, Austria, 23-27 May 2006.
  156. A. Miranowicz*, M. Piani, P. Horodecki, R. Horodecki: On separability criteria for continuous variables, a talk at the QAP and RESQ Theory Meeting, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, 6-8 March 2006.
  157. A. Miranowicz: Entanglement and nonclassicality criteria based on moments of annihilation and creation operators, a talk for the Quantum Information Group at the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, University of Gdańsk, 6 December 2005.
  158. A. Miranowicz: Relativity of entanglement measures: Entanglement robustness in decaying systems and extreme entanglement relativity, a talk for the Quantum Information Group at the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, University of Gdańsk, 18 October 2005.
  159. S. K. Özdemir*, A. Miranowicz, M. Koashi, and N. Imoto: Selective truncations of coherent state using projection synthesis, a talk at the 12th Quantum Information Technology Symposium (QIT12) at the NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Atsugi, Japan, 12-13 May 2005.
  160. A. Miranowicz: Quantum tele-engineering of optical states, a talk by invitation of Prof. R. Horodecki at the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, University of Gdańsk, 18 March 2005.
  161. A. Miranowicz: Counterintuitive results on entanglement and nonlocality of two-qubit mixed states, a lecture at the Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, 17 Feb 2005.
  162. Yu-xi Liu, S. K. Özdemir, A. Miranowicz, N. Imoto: A study on the effects of damping on qubits using Kraus representation, a poster at the International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Nanostructures and Carrier Interactions (NNCI 2005) , NTT R&D Center, Atsugi, Japan, 30 Jan - 2 Feb 2005.
  163. A. Miranowicz: Inconsistent orderings of two-qubit states with standard entanglement measures, an invited talk at the International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Nanostructures and Carrier Interactions (NNCI 2005) , NTT R&D Center, Atsugi, Japan, 30 Jan - 2 Feb 2005.
  164. A. Miranowicz* and A. Grudka: Ordering two-qubit states with entanglement measures, an oral presentation at the XIV Slovak-Czech-Polish Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, Nitra, Slovak Republic, 13-17 Sep 2004.
  165. A. Miranowicz*, Yu-xi Liu, G. Chimczak, R. Tanaœ, S. K. Özdemir, M. Koashi, and N. Imoto: Generation and manipulation of quantum entanglement of quantum dots in microcavities, an invited talk at the 11th Central-European Workshop on "Quantum Optics" (CEWQO) , University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy, 18-20 July 2004.
  166. W. Leoński* and A. Miranowicz: Quantum scissors and Bell inequality violation for the nonlinear coupler systems, a poster at the International Symposium on "Entanglement, Information and Noise", Krzyżowa, Poland, 14-20 June 2004.
  167. A. Miranowicz*, A. Grudka, W. Leoński, and R. Tanaœ: Violation of Bell inequality and entanglement of decaying Werner states, an oral presentation at the International Symposium on "Entanglement, Information and Noise", Krzyżowa, Poland, 14-20 June 2004.
  168. A. Miranowicz: Liniowe układy optyczne do teleportacji kwantowej (Linear optical systems for quantum teleportation), seminarium  w Instytucie Fizyki UZ, Zielona Góra, 31 March 2004.
  169. A. Miranowicz: Nożyce kwantowe i inne układy do teleportacji kwantowej (Quantum scissors and other teleporting devices), a talk at the 1st International Symposium on "Cryptography and Quantum Information", Wrocław/Karpacz, Poland, 12-16 Jan 2004.
  170. A. Miranowicz*, S. K. Özdemir, W. Leoński, M. Koashi and N. Imoto: Experimental quantum scissors: Generation and teleportation of optical qubits, a talk at the 1st International Symposium on "Cryptography and Quantum Information", Wroclaw/Karpacz, Poland, 12-16 Jan 2004.
  171. A. Miranowicz: Splatanie kropek kwantowych (Quantum Dot Entanglement), seminarium  z cyklu Teoria Informacji Kwantowej w Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN, Warszawa, 17 Dec 2003.
  172. A. Miranowicz: Splatanie kwantowe kropek kwantowych w mikrownękach rezonansowych ( Quantum entanglement of quantum dots in microcavities), referat na II Konferencji Sieci Laboratorium Fizycznych Podstaw Przetwarzania Informacji nt. Splštanie kwantowe i symetrie, Uniwersytet Łódzki, ŁódŸ, 29-30.XI.2003.
  173. A. Miranowicz*, W. Leoński, and J. Bajer: Optical state truncation and generation of Bell states by quantum scissors, an oral presentation at the 3rd International Workshop on "Classical and Quantum Interference" of the Research Center for Optics, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, October 23-24, 2003.
  174. W. Leoński* and A. Miranowicz: Kerr couplers and entanglement, an oral presentation at the 10th Central-European Workshop on "Quantum Optics", Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany, April 4-7, 2003
  175. A. Miranowicz*, S. K. Özdemir, W. Leoński, M. Koashi, and N. Imoto: Lossy quantum scissors, an oral presentation at the 10th Central-European Workshop on "Quantum Optics", Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany, April 4-7, 2003
  176. A. Miranowicz: Quantum teleportation, a lecture by invitation of Prof. S. Chwirot, the Head of the Aleksander Jabloński Institute, Nicholas Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland, January 16, 2003. [PDF] 
  177. S. K. Özdemir*, Yu-xi Liu, A. Miranowicz, T. Yamamoto, M. Koashi, N. Imoto: Teleportation fidelity of noisy states, an oral presentation at the 7th Quantum Information Technology Symposium (QIT7), Gakushuin University, Tokyo, Japan, November 11-12, 2002.
  178. A. Miranowicz*, S. K. Özdemir, Yu-xi Liu, J. Bajer, M. Koashi, N. Imoto and Y. Hirayama: Generation and stabilization of maximally entangled states of quantum dots in microcavities, an oral presentation at the 2nd International Workshop on "Classical and Quantum Interference" of the Research Center for Optics, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, October 24-25, 2002.
  179. S. K. Özdemir*, Yu-xi Liu, A. Miranowicz, M. Koashi, and N. Imoto: Fidelity of teleportation through noisy channels, an oral presentation at ERATO Workshop on "Quantum Information Science" (EQIS'02 ), Tokyo, Japan, September 6-8, 2002; Book of Abstracts, p. 108-109.
  180. W. Leoński, A. Miranowicz*, and K. Pištek: Classical information entropy for single and two mode quantum optical fields, an oral presentation at the 13th Polish-Czech-Slovak Optical Conference on "Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics", Krzyżowa, Poland, September 9-13, 2002; Book of Abstracts, p. A6.
  181. S. K. Özdemir, A. Miranowicz*, W. Leoński, M. Koashi, and N. Imoto: Optical qubit generation by quantum scissors, an oral presentation at the 13th Polish-Czech-Slovak Optical Conference on "Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics", Krzyżowa, Poland, September 9-13, 2002; Book of Abstracts, p. A8.
  182. A. Miranowicz*, S. K. Özdemir, J. Bajer, M. Koashi, N. Imoto and Y. Hirayama: Spin entanglement of quantum dots and cavity QED, an oral presentation at the 13th Polish-Czech-Slovak Optical Conference on "Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics", Krzyżowa, Poland, September 9-13, 2002; Book of Abstracts, p. A7.
  183. W. Leoński*, K. Pištek and A. Miranowicz: Wehrl's entropy - phase distributions and intermode correlations of quantum optical fields, a poster at the Wigner Centennial Conference, Pecs, Hungary, 8-12 July, 2002; Book of Abstracts, p. 119.
  184. S. K. Özdemir*, A. Miranowicz, M. Koashi, and N. Imoto: Nonclassicality of optical states prepared by quantum scissors device with dissipative quantum channel, an oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Phys. Soc. of Japan, Kyoto, Kyoto University, Japan, March 2002.
  185. A. Miranowicz, S. K. Özdemir*, Yu-xi Liu, M. Koashi, N. Imoto, and Y. Hirayama: Stabilization of electron-spin entanglement in quantum-dot systems by nonresonant interactions, an oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Phys. Soc. of Japan, Kyoto, Kyoto University, Japan, March 2002.
  186. A. Miranowicz: Entanglement stabilization and optimalization in SVW quantum-dot systems, a lecture in the Research Team for Interacting Carrier Electronics at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), Hayama, Japan, December 14, 2001.
  187. A. Miranowicz: Quantum Computing: Frontier of Nanotechnology, a lecture by invitation of Prof. Taksu Cheon at Kochi University of Technology (KUT), Kochi, Japan, 10 December 2001.
  188. A. Miranowicz: Entanglement stabilization in quantum-dot systems and cavity QED, an informal talk by invitation of Prof. Yoshiro Hirayama at NTT R&D Center, Atsugi, Japan, November 30th, 2001.
  189. A. Miranowicz: Quantum-information processing in quantum-dot systems and cavity QED, a talk by invitation of Prof. Izumi Tsutsui at Hadron and Nuclear Theory Group, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, KEK (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization), Tsukuba, Japan, November 26th, 2001.
  190. A. Miranowicz: Maximum entanglement in quantum-dot systems and cavity QED, a talk by invitation of Prof. Takayoshi Kobayashi at Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, November 24th, 2001.
  191. Yu-xi Liu*, S. K. Özdemir, A. Miranowicz, M. Koashi, and N. Imoto: Entanglement of excitonic states in coupled dots, an oral presentation at the IEICE Conf. on Quantum Information and Technology (QIT 5) at NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Atsugi, Japan, 12-13 November 2001.
  192. S. K. Özdemir*, A. Miranowicz, M. Koashi, and N. Imoto: Comparative study of resources for state preparation by projection synthesis, an oral presentation at the IEICE Conf. on Quantum Information and Technology (QIT 5) at NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Atsugi, Japan, 12-13 November 2001.
  193. A. Miranowicz*, S. K. Özdemir, M. Koashi, N. Imoto, and Y. Hirayama: Comparative study of quantum information properties of the spin van der Waals models, an oral presentation at the IEICE Conf. on Quantum Information and Technology (QIT 5) at NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Atsugi, Japan, 12-13 November 2001.
  194. S. K. Özdemir, A. Miranowicz, M. Koashi, and N. Imoto: Preparation and manipulation of optical qubit states by quantum scissors device, poster at the second CREST Symposium on Function Evolution of Materials and Devices based on Electron/Photon Related Phenomena (FEMD), Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan, 25 October 2001; Program and Abstracts p. 76.
  195. S. K. Özdemir*, A. Miranowicz, M. Koashi, and N. Imoto: A study on teleported superposition states with quantum scissors device using pulse-mode analysis, an oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Phys. Soc. of Japan, Tokushima Bunri University, Tokushima, Japan, 17-20 September 2001.
  196. A. Miranowicz*, S. K. Özdemir, M. Koashi, and N. Imoto: Entanglement and information properties of the optical fields generated by Kerr effect, an oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Phys. Soc. of Japan, Tokushima Bunri University, Tokushima, Japan, 17-20 September 2001.
  197. S. K. Özdemir, A. Miranowicz, M. Koashi, and N. Imoto: Optical qubit by state truncation, a poster at International Conference on Quantum Electronics and Photonics 15/Photonics 2001 (QEP-15), University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, 3-6 September 2001; Technical Digest p. 73.
  198. A. Miranowicz, S. K. Özdemir, M. Koashi, and N. Imoto: New information-entropic measure of quantum optical fields, a poster at International Conference on Quantum Electronics and Photonics 15/Photonics 2001 (QEP-15), University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, 3-6 September 2001; Technical Digest p. 172.
  199. S. K. Özdemir, A. Miranowicz, M. Koashi, and N. Imoto*: Qubit State Generation Using Projection Synthesis, an oral presentation at the 7th Int. Symp. on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology: Quantum Coherence and Decoherence (ISQM-Tokyo'01), Hitachi Labs, Hatoyama, Saitama, Japan, 27-30 August 2001.
  200. A. Miranowicz, S. K. Özdemir, M. Koashi, N. Imoto, and Y. Hirayama: Maximum entanglement of quantum-dot systems with single excitation in the spin van der Waals model, a poster at the 4th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/PR 2001), Nippon Convention Center, Chiba, Japan, 15-19 July 2001.
  201. S. K. Özdemir*, A. Miranowicz, M. Koashi, and N. Imoto: Analysis of mode mismatch in quantum scissors device, an oral presentation at the 4th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/PR 2001), Nippon Convention Center, Chiba, Japan, 15-19 July 2001.
  202. A. Miranowicz: Classification of photon antibunching and superbunching effects in nonstationary fields, a lecture in the Research Team for Interacting Carrier Electronics at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), Hayama, Japan, 1 March 2001.
  203. A. Miranowicz: Generation of maximally entangled quantum dots in the spin van der Waals model, a lecture in the Research Team for Interacting Carrier Electronics at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), Hayama, Japan, 1 March 2001.
  204. S. K. Özdemir*, A. Miranowicz, M. Koashi, and N. Imoto: On the verification of truncation process in quantum scissors device, an oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Phys. Soc. of Japan, Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan, 27-30 March 2001.
  205. A. Miranowicz*, S. K. Özdemir, M. Koashi, and N. Imoto: Quantum-information properties of quantum dots in the spin van der Waals model, an oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Phys. Soc. of Japan, Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan, 27-30 March 2001.
  206. A. Miranowicz, S K. Özdemir, M. Koashi, N. Imoto, and Y. Hirayama: Entanglement of quantum dots in the spin van der Waals model, a poster at the Int. Symposium on Carrier Interactions in Mesoscopic Systems (CIM'01), NTT R&D Center, Atsugi, Japan, 13-14 February 2001; in: Proceedings p. 31.
  207. S. K. Özdemir, A. Miranowicz, M. Koashi, and N. Imoto: Optical State Truncation: A Proposal for Experimental Realization, a poster at the Int. Symposium on Carrier Interactions in Mesoscopic Systems (CIM'01), NTT R&D Center, Atsugi, Japan, 13-14 February 2001; in: Proceedings p. 63.
  208. A. Miranowicz: Non-classical properties of correlations in quantum-dot systems, a talk by invitation of Prof. Masahide Sasaki at Communication Research Labs (CRL) in Koganei, Tokyo, Japan, 2 February 2001.
  209. N. Imoto, A. Miranowicz*, S. K. Özdemir, and M. Koashi: Wigner representation of optical states in finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, International RIMS Symposium on Analytical Study of Quantum Information and Related Fields at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Japan, 17-19 January 2001. [Proceedings] 
  210. A. Miranowicz: Bi- and multi-partite entanglement of quantum dots, an informal talk by invitation of Prof. Yoshiro Hirayama at NTT R&D Center, Atsugi, Japan, 9 January 2001.
  211. S. K. Özdemir*, A. Miranowicz, M. Koashi, and N. Imoto: Experimental Scheme for State Truncation and Teleportation using Quantum Scissors, an oral presentation at the IEICE Conf. on Quantum Information and Technology (QIT 4) at Tokyo Inst. Tech., Japan, 29-30 November 2000.
  212. A. Miranowicz*, S. K. Özdemir, M. Koashi, and N. Imoto: Classical information of Schrödinger cat and cat-like states, an oral presentation at the IEICE Conf. on Quantum Information and Technology (QIT 4) at Tokyo Inst. Tech., Japan, 29-30 November 2000.
  213. A. Miranowicz: Truncated quantum-optical states, a lecture in the Research Team for Interacting Carrier Electronics at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), Hayama, Japan, October 23, 2000.
  214. A. Miranowicz: Wehrl information of quantum optical fields, a lecture in the Research Team for Interacting Carrier Electronics at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), Hayama, Japan, October 13, 2000.
  215. S. K. Özdemir*, A. Miranowicz, N. Imoto, and M. Koashi: Limitations and efficiency of optical state truncation by projection synthesis, an oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan at Niigata University, Niigata, Japan, September 22-25, 2000.
  216. A. Miranowicz*, S. K. Özdemir, N. Imoto, and M. Koashi: Nonclassical states generated by optical state truncation, an oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan at Niigata University, Niigata, Japan, September 22-25, 2000.
  217. A. Miranowicz* and H. Matsueda: Bipartite and multipartite pure-state entanglement of real quantum systems, an oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan at Kansai University, Osaka, Japan, March 22-25, 2000.
  218. A. Miranowicz* and H. Matsueda: Multi-particle entanglement in quantum-dot systems, an oral presentation at the IEICE Conf. on Quantum Information and Technology (QIT 2 ) at Osaka University, Japan, November 18-19, 1999.
  219. A. Miranowicz: Nonclassical states of light in quantum computing, a talk given at informal seminar of Profs. Taksu Cheon and Pramod C. P. Bhatt at Kochi University of Technology (KUT), Kochi, Japan, November 3rd, 1999.
  220. A. Miranowicz* and H. Matsueda: Wehrl entropy and quasidistributions of nonlinear optical phenomena, a lecture opening the International RIMS Symposium on Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Information and Quantum Chaos at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences in Kyoto University, Japan, February 17-19, 1999. [Proceedings] 
  221. A. Miranowicz: Remarks on different approaches to quantum computation, a lecture opening the International Symposium on Nuclear Spin Quantum Computers at the Osaka National Research Institute, Osaka, Japan, October 12-13, 1998.
  222. A. Miranowicz and H. Matsueda*: Dynamic distribution of quantum information in a frequency converter, a poster at the International Workshop on Physics of Quantum Information in Helsinki, Finland, September 24-26, 1998.
  223. A. Miranowicz: a lecture on Photon antibunching versus phantom antibunching at Jabatan Fizik, Universiti Malaya in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 26, 1997.
  224. A. Miranowicz, J. Bajer, and W. Leoński: Photon antibunching in second harmonic generation, a poster at the Fourth International Conference on Quantum Optics in Jaszowiec, Poland, June 17 - 24, 1997.
  225. W. Leoński and A. Miranowicz: Finite-dimensional squeezed vacuum generation, a poster at the Fourth International Conference on Quantum Optics in Jaszowiec, Poland, June 17 - 24, 1997.
  226. W. Leoński, R. Tanaœ*, and A. Miranowicz: Enhancement of squeezing for kicked nonlinear oscillator model, a poster at the Fifth International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations in Balatonfured, Hungary, May 27 - 31, 1997; in: Book of Abstracts p. 75.
  227. W. Leoński, A. Miranowicz, and R. Tanaœ*: Finite-dimensional squeezed vacuum and its generation, a poster at the Fifth International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations in Balatonfured, Hungary, May 27 - 31, 1997; in: Book of Abstracts, p. 74.
  228. A. Miranowicz, J. Bajer, W. Leoński, and R. Tanaœ*: Squeezing versus photon antibunching in second harmonic generation, an oral presentation at the Fifth International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations in Balatonfured, Hungary, May 27 - 31, 1997; in: Book of Abstracts, p. 84.
  229. W. Leoński* and A. Miranowicz: Some properties of displaced Kerr states, an oral presentation at the Fifth Central-European Workshop on Quantum Optics in Prague, Czech Republic, April 25 - 28, 1997.
  230. A. Miranowicz*, J. Bajer, A. Ekert and W. Leoński: Photon antibunching versus phantom antibunching of photons, an oral presentation at the Fifth Central-European Workshop on Quantum Optics in Prague, Czech Republic, April 25 - 28, 1997.
  231. W Leoński, R. Tanaœ*, and A. Miranowicz: Quasi-periodic evolution and quasi-reflections of cavity field in nonlinear medium, an oral presentation given at the Fifth International Workshop on Laser Physics (LPHYS'96) in Moscow, Russia, July 22-26, 1996.
  232. A. Miranowicz, W. Leoński, and R. Tanaœ: Squeezed vacuum in finite-dimensional Hilbert space and its generation in quantum systems, a poster at Fifth International Workshop on Laser Physics (LPHYS'96) in Moscow, Russia, July 22-26, 1996.
  233. W. Leoński* and A. Miranowicz: Quasi-periodic field evolution in finite-dimensional Hilbert space, an oral presentation at the Fourth Central-European Workshop on Quantum Optics in Budmerice, Slovakia, May 31 - June 3, 1996; in: "Abstracts of invited and contributed lectures", p. 10.
  234. A. Miranowicz*, W. Leoński, S. Dyrting, and R. Tanaœ: State engineering in finite-dimensional Hilbert space, an oral presentation at the Fourth Central-European Workshop on Quantum Optics in Budmerice, Slovakia, May 31 - June 3, 1996, in: "Abstracts of invited and contributed lectures", p. 11.
  235. A. Miranowicz*, K. Pištek, and R. Tanaœ: Raman scattering in a cavity, an oral presentation at a poster at the International Summer School on Nonlinear Optics at Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, August 7 - 12, 1995.
  236. A. Miranowicz*, T. Opatrný, and J. Bajer: Coherent states in finite-dimensional Hilbert space and their Wigner representation, a lecture given at the A. O. Barut Memorial Summer School on Advances in quantum optics and spectroscopy of solids at the Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey, July 2 - 10, 1995.
  237. A. Miranowicz: Quantum-statistical theories of Raman scattering processes, a lecture given at the International Seminar on Nonlinear and Quantum Optics in Poznań, Poland, May 23 - 25, 1995.
  238. A. Miranowicz was one of the organizers of the International Seminar on Nonlinear and Quantum Optics in Poznań, Poland, May 23-25, 1995.
  239. A. Miranowicz*, K. Pištek, T. Opatrný, and R. Tanaœ: Phase annihilation and creation operator, and phase coherent states, an oral presentation at a poster at the Central-European Workshop on Quantum Optics in Budmerice, Slovakia, April 28 - 30, 1995; in: "Abstracts of invited and contributed lectures", p. 12.
  240. A. Miranowicz: Generalized coherent states, a lecture in a series of seminars under the supervision of Prof. Richard Horak, Department of Optics, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, November 3, 1994.
  241. A. Miranowicz: Master equation approach to Raman scattering, an informal lecture, Theoretical Physics Division, Institute of Physics of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia, October 21, 1994.
  242. A. Miranowicz, K. Pištek, and R. Tanaœ: Coherent states for the Pegg-Barnett phase formalism, a poster presented at the International Conference on Quantum Optics in Davos, Switzerland, September 24-29, 1994.
  243. A. Miranowicz, K. Pištek, and R. Tanaœ: Coherent states in a finite-dimensional space, a poster presented at the International Conference on Quantum Optics III in Szczyrk, Poland, September 3-9, 1993.
  244. A. Miranowicz: Quantum-statistical theory of Raman scattering processes, a lecture in a series of seminars under the supervision of Prof. Jan Perina, Department of Optics, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czechoslovakia, December 21, 1992.
  245. A. Miranowicz*, Ts. Gantsog, and R. Tanaœ: Comparison of the Garrison-Wong and Pegg-Barnett phase formalisms, an oral presentation at the 5th International Topsoe Summer School on Nonlinear Optics at Aalborg University, Denmark, August 3-8, 1992.
  246. A. Miranowicz* and S. M. Barnett: Quantum Theory of Phase Correlations, a lecture given at the International Seminar on Problems of Quantum Optics at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, USSR, September 30 - October 5, 1991.
  247. A. Miranowicz, S. M. Barnett, and D. T. Pegg: Quantum Phase in Nonlinear Optics, a poster presented at the European Quantum Electronics Conference and 10th National Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC91/QE10), Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, August 27-30, 1991, Technical Digest, p. 178.
  248. A. Miranowicz: Quantum Phase and Number Correlations, an informal lecture given in Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford University, UK, August 8, 1991.
  249. A. Miranowicz: Phase in Nonlinear Optics, an invited lecture in a series of Quantum Optics Seminars under the supervision of Prof. P. L. Knight, Imperial College, London, UK, May 24, 1991.
  250. A. Miranowicz: Higher-order statistical moments in a description of Schrödinger cats in the anharmonic oscillator model, an informal talk given in Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford University, UK, April 18, 1991.
  251. A. Miranowicz, R. Tanaœ, and S. Kielich: Discrete superpositions of coherent states, a poster presented at the Tenth International School of Coherent Optics on Quantum Optics II in Ustroń, Poland, September 19-26, 1989.
Note: an asterisk indicates the person, who presented a given talk or poster.

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